For 2022 Bicentennial Anniversary: Mary Broh Heads Citizen Engagement Board


The Director General of the General Service Agency (GSA), Mary T. Broh, has been appointed by the Monrovia City Corporation as Chairperson of the Citizen Engagement Board (CEB). Her appointment to head the ad-hoc board was announced on October 21, 2021, by the Mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson T. Koijee.

   Others appointed to the CEB are Ambassador Juli Endeee, Co-Chair; Thomas Doe Nah, member; Aaron Kollie, member; Rev. Rudolph Marsh, Rev. Christian Toe, James M. Strother, Iman Ali Krayee, Daintowon Domah Pay-Bayee, Amos Williams, Mohammed Ghandi Kamara, Helen Nah Sammie, Setta F. Saah and Eddie Jarwolo. Franco B. Grimes, Chief of Office Staff/Office of the Mayor, will serve as Technical Secretary to the Board.

   According to a statement from Mayor Koijee, the appointment was done in consultation with the Monrovia City Council, and the ad-hoc Citizen Engagement Board has a three-month lifespan, which runs from November 1, 2021 to January 7, 2022.

   The CEB is a group of citizens committed to working with the City Government of Monrovia for jumpstarting the preparation for the up-coming Bicentennial Anniversary and advise on the roadmap for the Urban Renewal Initiatives.

   The year 2022 marks the bicentennial of a movement that began on February 6, 1820, leading to the repatriation of freed slaves from the United States of America to the shores of West Africa, now called Liberia.

   Liberia is expected to have thousands of people return to a nation that championed the return of freed slaves to Africa.

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