IG Davis Assures Peace Island Residents Of Permanent Status If…


Ahead of the 2023 general elections in Liberia, the Inspector  General  of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Vice  Chair for Administration of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Youth League, Josephine Davis, has assured residents of Peace Island community of permanent status if they re-elect President George M. Weah.

   The assurance came during the grand final of the Peace Island Community Sports Tournament, organized by the community and sponsored by Davis.

  Speaking at the ceremony, Josephine Davis said the fact that people were given the place to squat means they will not be abandoned. “A time will come when something good will come out of this community, with the effort and commitment of the people to electing President George Weah for the second time. There will be a new face and a new dimension to residents of Peace Island after the re-election of President Weah,” she said.

   IG Davis said the people who were neglected and rejected for twelve years are today the loved boys and girls, evident by the accessibility of electricity and water, and the pavement of roads and by the administration of President Weah. For this reason, she said, many people are trooping into the area looking for rooms to stay.

   According to her, at night time the place is electrified and beautified, and this too was done under the administration of President Weah. 

   The CDC Youth League’s Vice Chair said, “The people entrusted us with six years and all the good works are going on in the country; what if another six years are given to the CDC government? Much more will be done,” IG Davies noted.

   She assured the people of Peace Island that their legitimate status will change as long as they have President Weah as President of Liberia.

   The Inspector General emphasized, “Peace Islanders can take my words to any bank across the country…if President Weah is re-elected you will become legitimate owners of the land in the future.” 

    She expressed appreciation to President Weah for giving young people the opportunity to serve their generation. “We are here because he has entrusted us to serve you the people of Peace Island and Liberia at large.”

   She claimed that Peace Island was rejected and neglected before. “People thought that nothing good could come out of the area, but because of President  Weah today the entire area is electrified, and the community is one of the safest place to live in Liberia,” she added.

   The Commerce Inspector General concluded by saying that Peace Island, which people consider as a disgruntle area, has proved to be the opposite, as the games were peaceful and well-organized. According to her, this shows that the people of Peace Island are peaceful and law-abiding.

   She extended thanks and appreciation to the winners of the tournament and presented a set of jersey to each of the participating teams, from Block “A” to Block “F”, a middle-sized trophy to the female winners and giant-sized trophy to the male winners.

   The Chairman of Peace Island community, Sam Passawa, in remarks, said he was grateful to IG Davis and her foundation. “Madam Davis, for not letting us down when we asked you to sponsor this tournament, we are very grateful. Let God continue to bless and favor you,” Chairman Passawa said.

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