Abi Jaoudi Accused Of Having Prior Knowledge Of Drug Container


Information gathered by the Hot Pepper from credible sources says it was George Abi Jaoudi who made a call to authorities of the US embassy near Monrovia that cocaine was on board containers that were being shipped to Liberia by TRH.

    According to sources, Abi Jaoudi reluctantly told the US embassy about the drugs after he was tipped off by a security personnel that the news about the cocaine had reached the US embassy near Monrovia and everybody was watching him.

   It can be recalled that it was the United States embassy that provided a tip-off to the National Security Agency (NSA) that a container fully loaded with cocaine had landed at the National Port Authority (NPA), from which the NSA began to spy on the container until it reached its destination at the TRH warehouse along the Japan Freeway. TRH is owned by Abi Jaoudi and Bilal Abraham.

   The Hot Pepper was hinted that agents of the Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) of the United States assigned at the US embassy in Monrovia had received information about the container and reported the information to their head office in the United States. However, the source said, this does not guarantee that the United States ambassador was aware of the container, as the DEA department works separately and independently, like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents assigned at the embassy.

    However, when Malam Conte, Makki Admeh Issam, Adulai DJibril Djalo and Oliver A. Zayzay went to the TRH warehouse to take control of the container, George Abi Jaoudi used the opportunity to frame them up and they were arrested for the crimes of unlicensed importation of controlled drug, unlicensed possession of controlled drug, money laundering and criminal conspiracy for allegedly attempting to purchase a 40 (forty) foot container containing the US$100 million worth of cocaine.

   Gustavos Henrique, an accomplice in the crime, called George Abi Jaoudi and Bilal Abraham as his business partners to intervene and threatened to make full disclosure, but was told by George Abi Jaoudi that any attempt to say anything to the contrary would cost his life.

   The investigation quoted sources who saw Gustavos Henrique at the TRH warehouse on the day of the arrest, who said that the man was so frightened that he headed straight for the Roberts International Airport (RIA), where the Ministry of Justice claimed he bought a plane ticket and left the country.

   Sources at the police told this paper that the initial story was that Gustavo’s Henrique allegedly stockpiled the cocaine in containers that were being imported by George Abi Jaoudi and Bilal Abraham, but when the question of in whose name the bill of lading is written was asked, Frank Musa Dean, in his vain attempt to shield George Abi Jaoudi and Bilal Abraham, allegedly soon changed the story around. Investigation continues.

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