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As 43 Representatives Assure Their Support: Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa Heads For Speakership!

The Deputy Speaker of the 54th National Legislature, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, is smoothly headed to the position of Speaker in the 55th Legislature, making him the third most powerful individual in the Republic of Liberia, as forty-three (43) members of the 55th House of Representatives have confirmed their support for his Speakership bid; writes Mercy M. Kpaingbay.

There are seventy-three (73) members of the House, and a candidate needs at least 37 votes to win an election in a two-person race. Fortunately for Cllr. Koffa and team, they have surpassed the threshold by additional six votes, making him the favorite for the Speakership election come January 15, 2024.

Deputy Speaker Koffa, who arguably represents the aspiration of the vast majority of members of the House, is being contested by Montserrado County’s district #11 Representative, Richard Koon, who seems to be supported by a few members of the Unity Party (UP). His claim to the position is to allegedly pave the way for the smooth passages of bills that will emanate from the Executive branch, headed by H.E. Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai.

However, the numbers do not seem to favor the one-party supported lawmaker, as he is yet to show strength, like the Koffa camp has been doing over time. Arithmetically, there will be thirty (30) votes left after Cllr. Koffa’s forty-three (43) votes is minused from the total number of lawmakers. Unfortunately, Representative Koon can only make legitimate claim to less than twenty-five (25) votes, as there are still seven (7) swing votes who are yet to, or may, join any side of the divide.

Out of the seven (7) swing votes, it is being rumored that three to four persons are contemplating joining the Koffa team, which could make Cllr. Koffa to win the Speakership election with nearly two-thirds of the total votes of the House of Representatives.

Observers are of the opinion that Cllr. Koffa’s bloc for the Speakership wields serious strength, and if they choose to stand together after the election and during the 55th Legislature they could obstruct or cause the passage of any decision in the lower House.

They claim that the bloc is acting similar to the way members of the U.S. Congress conduct themselves—by always supporting each other—evident from their meeting at the Paris Restaurant in Sinkor and at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) where they went to receive their candidate, who had returned to the country.

According to them, it will be in the interest of the country if members of the National Legislature continue on such notes, holding the belief that they will not be easily lured into financial inducements or swayed from making a candid decision they jointly proposed, as the head of the team, Cllr. Koffa, is noted for integrity and transparency.

They are asking that members of the Liberian Senate learn from Cllr. Koffa’s bloc in improving the vibrancy of the upper house in order to gain the trust of the Liberian people. They cautioned members of the Senate to choose a reliable leader with an impeccable character, like Cllr. Koffa, who will be trusted whenever they are at the point of making critical national decisions.

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