“I Am Not Sick!” –Pres. Weah Tells Hot Pepper


The President of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. George M. Weah, on the morning of Thursday, April 30, 2020, at about 9:00 a.m., called the Hot Pepper to let the Liberian people know that he is well and has a very decent bail of health, both mentally and physically. President Weah however disclosed that he was suffering from Arthritis (inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain and stiffness that worsen with age), but has since heeded his doctor’s advice, prohibiting him from eating certain food, and so he is doing quite well.

Pres. Weah said even though he has not contacted the Coronavirus as is being speculated, mainly on social media and by some talk show hosts, he is greatly worried and disturbed about the recent wave of COVID-19 attacks on his close associates and friends in his government.

Making particular reference to the late Marcus Soko, Director of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the President, choking on his words and at the verge of tears, said that the DEA Boss has been his friend since 1984. “We even played on Young Survivors together; his children call me Uncle George. He is my very close friend and buddy,” President Weah recalled.

The President emphasized that he has observed, and is observing, the social distancing regulation to the core. He noted that, during health briefings, the Minister of Health, Dr. Wilhemina Jallah, sits three feet away from him at all times, and that at all other meetings, be it cabinet or not, they are six feet apart.

The Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia and Head of the Joint Security, CIC Weah, said that he takes periodic patrols in Monrovia and its environs to see, first-hand, whether or not the social distancing rule is being adhered to.

According to him, he visited some communities (names withheld) and observed that the social distancing regulation is not working. The President said that, owing to this, his government recommended that everyone wears a face-mask when in the streets or public gatherings.

On the part of his role as Joint Security Chief, the President of the Republic of Liberia called for unity among the security forces in enforcing the State of Emergency. The CIC also called on law enforcement officials to make visible their identity cards for easy recognition to minimize the conflict among state security agencies.

In closing, the President said his government is working with international partners to implement the food distribution to its people, which will begin very soon. He praised the Liberian people for being cooperative with his government and applauded the first responders for an excellent job so far. He urged the people to remain positive and implement positive life styles.

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