CDC-USA Emphasizes Pres. Weah’s Re-Election


The Chairperson of CDC-USA, Constance Duopu, has emphasized that her priority is the re-election of President George Manneh Weah, and therefore called on all partisans in and outside of the United States to prepare for full participation in the campaign in 2023. Duopu however, encouraged all partisans to join the President in his national development and transformation effort to bring relief to the Liberian people. She further added that the party will expand its tent to bring in young people, and will continue to encourage diversity of views and perspectives to make the party remain a political force to reckon with.

   The Congress for Democratic Change-USA branch recently inducted its elected officials into office. The ceremony, held in Chaska, Minnesota, USA, was graced by partisans, special guests, families and well-wishers.

   Performing the induction, the Minister of Gender, Willametta Piso Saydee-Tarr, charged the officers with the responsibility of being servants, and not being served. Minister Saydee-Tarr congratulated Constance Duopu for ascending to the helm of CDC-USA; and described her election as the first female Chairperson of the party in the United States as historic, and another manifestation of the ongoing involvement of women’s participation in politics. She however, encouraged her and others elected to work assiduously to promote the ideals of President George Manneh Weah and the economic governing philosophy of the CDC-led government. In line with such philosophy, the Gender Minister further outlined the monumental changes that are taking place in Liberia, with the surgical fiscal policies put in place by the government, and are being implemented by the Minister of Finance and Development, Samuel Tweah.

   Serving as guest speaker for the occasion, Representative Fonati Koffa, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, praised partisans of CDC-USA for their steadfastness, resilience and commitment to the party and the government. Deputy Speaker Koffa however admonished partisans that, while victory is certain in 2023, it is important for members to not lose their guards. Deputy Speaker Koffa later highlighted the achievements of the CDC government through the pro-poor agenda for national transformation, and extolled President Weah for his visionary leadership in providing housing for the poor and tuition fees for students at every public university in Liberia. He also spoke about the massive road projects around Monrovia, and other parts of the country, aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Liberian people.    

   During the program, a fundraiser was held by the US branch of the party to raise funds in order to undertake some projects in Liberia, to advance the pro-poor development agenda of the President.

   It can be recalled that CDC-USA held its annual convention in early October, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, where a new corps of officers was elected to lead the organization for the next two years. Those inducted into office were Constance Duopu, Chairman; Abraham Tucker, Deputy Chairman, Administration; Melvin Payekar, Deputy Chairman, Operations; Cyrus Sambolai, Secretary; Prince Sheriff, Assistant Secretary General; Dorothy Dadzie, Financial Secretary; Bannie Davis Thomas, Treasurer; Matthew Benson, Youth League Chairman; and Gbolo Howard, Chairlady, Women’s League.

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