Civil Law Court “A” Trashes Vivian Saamoi’s Amended Motion


The Judge of Civil Law Court “A”, J. Kennedy Peabody, has nullified an amended motion of Vivian J. Saamoi against her husband demanding US$6,000 of his monthly salary for her support. According to court records, Judge J. Kennedy Peabody’s ruling was also upheld by the Supreme Court’s Chamber Justice, Her Honor Justice Jamesetta Howard-Wolokollie, denying Saamoi’s Petition for a Writ of Certiorari.

   It can be that the husband of Vivian Saamoi, Henry F. Saamoi, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of the International Bank Liberia Limited, filed an action of divorce through the Civil Law Court “A” against his wife for incompatibility of temper and cruel and inhumane treatment.

   The plaintiff, according to the court documents in possession of the Hot Pepper, filed the complaint on October 21, 2021 following their marriage on December 6, 2015.

   In his complaint, Saamoi recounted that it was his expectation that, after their holy matrimony, both partners would live together in peace, harmony, happiness and caring for one another, and if blessed with children, care for, support and bring up such children in keeping Christian faith.

   But he informed the court that, contrary to such expectations, his wife, Vivian J. Saamoi in violation of her marital vow, became disrespectful by using invective and insulting words such as “stupid, foolish, irresponsible, and useless” in the presence of the maid and children in their marital home.

   The CEO of the IB Bank (Liberia) Limited added that, aside from those counts against her, his wife has been very violent by engaging in fist fight with him on two occasions, spilled his blood and also threatened and vowed to break bottle on his head if ever he discloses that she had insulted him, adding that several interventions were made by her pastor and others, but all failed.

   At the same time, Saamoi averred that since the matter was getting worse daily, he wrote a communication to his wife on February 22, 2019 detailing her conduct, behavior and attitude, which he said made both living together dangerous.

   He underscored, according to the court documents, that he informed Vivian Saamoi that he was leaving and vacating their marital home on Sunday, February 23, 2020 which he built prior to their marriage to preserve his life.

   Based on these reasons and many other, Saamoi prayed the court for a decree dissolving the marital contract entered into by both of them to allow each other go their separate way as though such contract was never made and executed.

   However, in resistance to his action of divorce, Vivian J. Saamoi filed a petition for an Alternative Writ of Certiorari before the Civil Law Court “A” and simultaneously filed a Motion for Alimony Pendente Lite and Support for she and their minor son, Henry F. Saamoi, Jr.

   In her petition, Saamoi requested US$6,000 (six thousand United States dollars) for her Alimony representing about one-third (1/3) of her husband’s monthly income and also an amount of US$1,500 (one thousand five hundred United States dollars) representing monthly support and upkeep payment for their minor son. 

   However, according to the court’s ruling on the Amended Motion for Alimony and Support, per the document in the Hot Pepper’s possession, the court indicated that, under Liberian law, in an action of divorce the husband is to support his wife while the case still goes on.

   Considering this factor, the court emphasized that under no condition a judgement could be passed in its wisdom on the Amended Motion for Alimony and Support without considering the prenuptial agreement signed between both parties on November 30, 2015 prior to their marriage. 

   Therefore, the Judge of the Civil Law Court “A”, J. Kennedy Peabody, as a reliance, quoted Count 14 of the prenuptial agreement: “In the event that there is a separation of the parties, Vivian will be entitled to support in the maximum monthly amount of US$500 every month on the condition that the parties are married for a minimum of two years and Henry is still gainfully employed therefore Count 14 of the Prenuptial Agreement is not in dispute”. 

   Also in Count 15 of the prenuptial agreement, which states that the parties realize that their respective financial circumstances may be altered in the future by changes in their health, the cost of living, their employment, their marital status, the breakdown of their relationship, or otherwise, no such changes shall give either party the right to see additional support under any law.

   Hence, per the court document, Judge Peabody clearly stated that Count 15 of the prenuptial agreement defeats the contention of Vivian J. Saamoi that she is entitled to one-third of her husband’s income against a legitimate contract signed by both parties, adding that either party is legally obligated to uphold and abide by the stipulations (counts) contained in the prenuptial agreement because both parties assented and signed the instrument with their sound minds.

   Also passing judgment on the awarding of alimony pendent lite in the amount of US$6,000 per month and to be paid retroactively from February 23, 2020 and during the pendency of the divorce action as prayed for by Vivian J. Saamoi, the Civil Law Court Judge underscored that such decision cannot be left to the discretion of the parties in the proceedings.

   He noted that the spirit and intent of the law clearly obligates the court to use its discretion considering the required justice and circumstances of the parties in these proceedings to make a determination of the matter.

   Judge J. Kennedy Peabody said, consistent with Section 9.3 of the Domestic Relations Law of Liberia, which seeks the discretion of the court in determining such case, Vivian J. Saamoi is only entitled to US$500 as support monthly of the date of filing the Action of Divorce, contrary to her previous demand of US$6,000 monthly from her husband’s monthly income.

   He further indicated that the judgment extends up to and including the date of the ruling as alimony and US$500 monthly too for the support of their minor son, Henry Saamoi, Jr. excluding school fees, something that also defeats her previous demand of US$1,500 from her husband Henry Saamoi’s monthly salary for their son’s support. 

   Meanwhile, the final ruling in the Action of Divorce as prayed for by the Chief Executive Officer of the International Bank (Liberia) Limited, Henry Saamoi, against his wife, Vivian J. Saamoi, is expected to come up anytime this week.   

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