Commissioner Lansannah: “NEC Not Deterred By Failed Roundtable Discussion With Political Parties”

NEC Chairperson, Davidetta Browne Lansannah

A roundtable discussion, called by the National Elections Commission (NEC) on Friday, November 27, 2020 with leaders of registered political parties, alliances and coalitions, has failed to get underway due to a lack of quorum.

   The roundtable discussion was called under the theme, “The Role of Political Leaders in Promoting a Nonviolent December 8, 2020 Elections”, in accordance with the recent approved political parties code of conduct.

   The National Elections Commission (NEC) had called for the roundtable discussion with leaders of political parties. However, none of the leaders of the 28 political parties, including alliances and coalitions, attended the discussion in the James M. Fromayan Conference Hall.

   The Chairperson of NEC, Davidetta Browne Lansanah, said the Commission received no official communication from any leader of political party, alliance or coalition that they would not attend the roundtable today.

   Commissioner Lansanah said the failed roundtable is not a deterrent to on-going dialogue on the special senatorial elections, Constitutional referendum and two representative by-elections. 

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