CSO Council Gears Up For Electoral Congress


With the release of guideline by the ad-hoc electoral committee of the National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL), members of the council are gearing up for the organization’s annual General Assembly (GA).

   This upcoming GA of the Council, which is slated for December 14—17, will be held in Zwedru, Grand County, with candidates vowing for different positions to steer the affairs of the organization within the next three years.

  “This year’s GA will run from the 14th to 17th of December, 2022 in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County and elections will be held for the above positions on Friday, December 16, 2022,” stated the committee.

   The ensuing GA is in reference to Article (9) of the organization’s Constitution crafted August 16, 2012 and notarized, which demands the hosting of an annual General Assembly.

   “Delegates duly accredited by the National Civil Society Council to attend the GA will be eligible to participate and vote into Friday, December 16, 2022 elections,” it furthered.

   According to the guideline released by the Ad hoc committee, positions to be contested for include: Chairperson, Co-chair, Treasurer, five Regional Coordinators and two Memberships At-large.

   However, the guideline states that in order to be qualified for chair and co-chair positions, all individuals vying for the positions must have obtained a master degree or in pursuit of a master degree in any field of study, and must submit photo copy of degree or proof of pursuance of a master’s degree along with application letter to election body on or before December 12, 2022 by 4:00pm.

   The ad hoc electoral committee pointed out that delegate(s) will be disqualified or denied based on failure from the organization of which he or she represents if that said organization has not been fully accredited to attend the GA, and proof that the institution has not been engaged and involved with the Council’s activities over the past two years (2020 and 2021) and not accredited by the Council.

   The committee indicated that delegates would also be disqualified if their member organization has not registered with the Council and doesn’t have any physical office, and also if that organization cannot be recognized or located in the county of domicile.

   “Delegates will also be disqualified if the activities of the organization are not visible in any public space of the county of domicile,” the committee among other things added.

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