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CSO Group Honors Minister Tweah

Minister Samuel Tweah receiving the Certificate of Honor

The National Civil Society Watch of Liberia has hailed Minister Samuel D. Tweah Jr. as National Humanitarian.

   In a release issued on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 in Monrovia, the Civil Society group honored Tweah Jr. as one of the few government ministers who have demonstrated genuine the commitment to actualizing the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) of President George Manneh Weah Government by identifying with under-privileged and down-trodden Liberians and Non-Liberians on a daily basis. 

   The group says it joins other well-meaning Liberians, institutions and foreign residents alike to highlight the humanitarian assistance, in grateful acknowledgement of Minister Tweah’s tireless effort in providing services to the people of Liberia with unmatched humanitarian spirit and bold courage for capital contribution to individuals and institutions for capacity building and infrastructural development.

   It can be recalled recently that Tweah Jr.’s solicitation, with partners and donors like the EU, World Bank, and USAID, brought financial aid to the Government of Liberia (GOL) for rural electrification, among others, which clearly demonstrate the CDC government’s commitment to actualizing the pro-poor agenda of President Weah.

   Conclusively, as a civil society organization which serves as backbone for monitoring activities of individuals in private and public institutions, “we are pleased to inform the public that Hon. Samuel D. Tweah Jr. is highly contributing to the society, which clearly justifies that the Ministry of Finance Development and Planning is working in the interest of the Liberians people by contributing to the CDC’s political agenda. 

   “The National Civil Society Watch of Liberia (NCSWL) further acknowledges the continued effort of the Weah Administration in ensuring that harmonious working relationship exists between employees and employers in all working environments in the country, while prioritizing the protection of the Liberian people above all other interests,” the civil society body said.

   “The Civil Society group hails the robust and selfless performance of Director General, Dewitt vonBallmoos, and team in the guest to actualize the commitment made by President Weah during his inaugural address that ‘Liberians will no longer be spectators in their own economy, but will rather be given opportunities and empowered to play key roles in the development of their country’. It can be recalled that on October 18, 2019 the Director General was reappointed Chairperson of the Technical Commission (TC) on Investment of Social Security funds of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) for another three-year term at its 120th meeting in Brussel, Belgium, due to the good work he has done nationally and internationally.”

   The civil society group has, meanwhile, urged Director General vonBallmoos not to be distracted but continue to justify the confidence reposed in him by President Weah, in order to ensure the President meets the goal of the pro-poor agenda.

   The group stated that the reappointment of the NASSCORP Director General will further strengthen the hopes and aspirations of the Liberian people that the “change” promise by President Weah during his campaign is guaranteed for all.

   “Distinguished members of the press, to conclusively conclude as an independent organization which is charged with the responsibility of providing advocacy, transparency, peace, good governance and justices, we want to use this medium to remind his Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah President of the Republic of Liberia that Hon. Dewitt vonBallmoos is a champion of integrity as a public servant,” the National Civil Society Watch of Liberia observed.

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