Dr. Cassell Challenges Pres. Weah: Speak To Calm Fears On Ritualistic Killings


The Vision Bearer of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, has expressed disappointment over the conspicuous silence of President George Manneh Weah over the growing wave of ritualistic killings across Monrovia and other parts of the country.

   Liberians and other foreign residents in the country continue to wake up to news of the gruesome murders of citizens, especially females, in a few communities in Montserrado County.

   Parts are extracted from the remains of the victims by the unknown perpetrators for ritualistic purposes.

   The current situation has instilled fears in Liberians and foreign residents, compelling them to return from their various working and selling places earlier than before.

   In a press statement issued in Monrovia on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, Dr. Cassell observed the callous wave of ritualistic killings across the country by those he called “evil-minded individuals”.

   He emphasized that, besides the escalating media reports on the shameless murdering of fellow citizens for ritualistic purposes, he has also witnessed videos of individuals recounting horrifying stories of how they narrowly escaped death at the hands of these predatory ritualistic carnivores.

   “I have also heard a lady, identified as Ellen Cockrum, made striking revelations of ritualistic killings on various radio stations—linking top brass of the George Weah administration to ritualistic practices,” the PLP Political Leader said.

   Dr. Cassell maintained that, despite the current situation in the country, nothing significant has been heard from the Chief Executive, President George Manneh Weah, and other government officials to allay the fears that have gripped citizens and others.

   “In the face of these impending tragic developments, I have not heard President Weah or his government officials say or do anything significant about this wave of carnage, to curb the crippling fear being instilled in the public.

   “It is disgusting and disgraceful that a government would stumble on its Constitutional obligation to protect its citizens and supinely watch evil-minded men slaughter them in cold blood,” Dr. Cassell maintained.

   Dr. Cassell further condemned the increase in the dreadful and ritualistic killings of citizens across Liberia, and called on government to take the appropriate steps to arrest the situation.

   He said state security forces should “aggressively hunt down these barbaric killers and bring them to justice”.

   “I extend condolences to the bereaved families of all who have been murdered by these carnivores. If this scene of horror hasn’t claimed the attention of President George Weah and his government, I hope this statement draws their attention and causes them to expeditiously end the slaughtering of our people for ritualistic purposes.”

   Meanwhile, Dr. Cassell has cautioned Liberians to be mindful while in the streets and commuting across Monrovia and other parts of the country.

   He then prayed for God’s grace and protection upon Liberia and its citizens in the wake of numerous challenges and the growing wave of secret and ritualistic killings that have engulfed the post-conflict nation.

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