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EL Shalom International School System Conducts 2nd Graduation Exercise

The EL Shalom International School System over the weekend conducted its second graduation convocation in Giva, Soul Clinic community. 

   The guest speaker, Dr. Francis Kpoleh, who spoke on the theme, “The Wisdom of Patience”, told the kindergarten graduates that wisdom can be the understanding of what is true, right or lasting, and patience is the capacity of calm and endurance.

   He illustrated that a bird goes to the pond hunting without causing noise, in order to get food, which exhibits patience in pursuing a goal. “It is looking for fish of course, as well as frogs, snakes and crayfish. The bird’s patience is not the yarning kind, but the watchful kind,” the keynote speaker said.

“Patience in life sometimes plods youth opportunities, because it seems slow in coming. Teachers would like to see the child overcome this problem. Perhaps we feel that a situation in life is intolerable and should be changed this instant. But impatience spoils good things and makes bad situations worse,” he stated. He noted that as the saying goes, “Act in haste and repent at leisure.”

  The guest speaker said, “Blessed are the teachers who don’t give up or compromise in helping a child with a problem. Blessed are those who look at both sides of an issue and then move with prayerful and measured step. Endurance will win where intellect and charisma fail.” 

   During the graduation exercise, parents and guardians celebrated their children, and noted that “when you cheer a child at an early stage he will be encouraged to go extra mile in his or her education sojourn”.

   The Chairman of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Bensun D. Gaye, said the school, which started operation last year, has proved as if it has been in existence for years, graduating 26 students and the campus is flooded with people.

   “We are appealing to government, NGOs and humanitarian groups to help us complete the construction of our school before next academic year,” he added.

    The Principal of the school, Amos S. Konneh, expressed gratitude and said, “Today, we are glad to have our second graduation exercise, for which the graduates and parents have assembled to celebrate.”

    He thanked the school’s proprietor, whom he said underwrote several students’ graduation fees. He revealed that the school is challenged, and called on humanitarian groups to come to their aid.

   The school was founded in 2023, and in 2024 it is putting out its second batch of graduates, according to Principal Konneh. He added that the school is open to the public, urging parents and underprivileged students to take advantage of the school because it charges a nominal fee. 

   “The school runs elementary and partially junior high. I appreciate the parents for their kind support toward Liberia’s future leaders; the students have some struggle. We call on the government, through the Ministry of Education, and NGOs to help erect the structure that will promote conducive learning environment for the students,” the principal said.

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