Ex-Communicated Priest Accuses Roman Catholic Leaders Of Secret Marriage


After being a known member of the Roman Catholic denomination for over 40 years, ex-communicated Priest, Rev. Nimely Donyen, has finally broken silence, accusing leaders of the Roman Catholic Church of several ungodly deeds.

   Speaking recently on a local radio station in Monrovia, Rev. Donyen, who was ex-communicated from the Roman Catholic Church for alleged corruption and misappropriation of entrusted funds, disclosed that his former denomination is one of the most untrusted groups he has ever served. According to him, the Roman Catholic Church professed to be righteous while in true essence they are not, stating the many “funny, funny things” they do behind the scenes.

   He further disclosed that the Roman Catholic Church, which he served for over 40 years, forbids a man of God or Priest to get married publicly, but for him, who is now an independent Catholic Bishop, he can get married, maintaining that the Roman Catholic denomination is in error and must be exposed.

   Amidst his disclosure, the ex-communicated Priest however failed to point out whether or not he, too, got married behind closed doors before his departure. He stated reasons behind his disassociation with the Roman Catholic Church but refused to answer a question relating to his involvement with homosexuality, as is being alleged by many of his community inhabitants. Rev. Doryen has, on many occasions, denied his involvement in any form of homosexuality.

   In furtherance, the expelled “political Priest” lamented that his decision to endeavor into politics does not contradict his spiritual concentration, adding that even high-profiled popes in Rome seek electoral positions.

   However, Doyen, who has chosen to be a politician, refused to clarify allegations that led to his ex-communication from the Roman Catholic Church of Liberia. In keeping with the Catholic Canon (Reference), ex-communication is a crime that is equivalent or parallel to criminal conviction and sentence.

   Additionally, the dismissed Catholic Priest intoned that he is not the only person who left the Roman Catholic Church for the “right” reasons, as many people have also left, and there will be many to follow if they do not change for the better.

   “I’m not the only one who left the Roman Catholic Church. I’m still a Catholic, but not a Roman Catholic. l can marry, but publicly a Roman Catholic Bishop can’t get married,” Bishop Donyen set the record straight.

   Also speaking on his political career, Rev. Donyen informed the public that his decision to participate in the up-coming election is based on letters from citizens requesting that he contest and not his own desire.

   He added that, after the 2017 general and presidential elections, he decided to quit politics, but was again challenged by an unknown person who, according to him, defied him, and on that basis he said he will be a potential representative-candidate come 2023 general and presidential elections.

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