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From Buchanan To Yekepa: AML Demonstrates Commitment To Education And Training

ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML), the leading private sector investment since the cessation of war and hostilities in Liberia, continues to impact education and human capacity capital.

   In Bong, Grand Bassa and Nimba counties, AML’s hand work is visible in terms of how it has tried tirelessly to help the government improve education.

   Last week, the company donated US$50,000 to the Nimba University. At this occasion, the Director General of the National Commission on Higher Education, Dr. Edward Wonkeryon, who is also former President of the Nimba Community College, proudly announced that the school continues to exist because of AML’s support.

   The company on an annual basis supports the Nimba University, financially and technically. Aside for this support to the Nimba University, AML provides dozens of scholarships to high school students in communities affected by its operation.

   The community scholarship scheme is designed for twelfth graders, as well as students in accredited public colleges, and specialized tertiary educational institutions in Bong, Grand Bassa and Nimba counties.

   It awards 100 percent of all annual scholarships to eligible students majoring in the sciences and math who are resident in cities, towns and villages in the immediate operational areas of ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML).

   With this assistance, scores of young people whose parents cannot afford to pay their tuition have the opportunity to continue schooling while ArcelorMittal underwrites the cost of their education.

   This community-based scholarship initiative complements other important initiatives that ArcelorMittal Liberia is supporting to educate, train and develop the skills of Liberians, especially in its operational areas.

   Other remarkable ArcelorMittal Liberia education support programs include the Advanced Academic Studies Scholarship Program, which provides US$200,000 in scholarships annually to Liberian students for advanced foreign university degree programs and provision of free education at its ArcelorMittal Liberia Schools in Yekepa, Nimba County.

   One of its signature educational programs is the ArcelorMittal Liberia Training Academy (formerly the VTC) in Yekepa, Nimba County, which provides free technical education to deserving Liberians in the area of electricity, welding, mechanics, etc.

   Last year the company constructed the Makinto Public School (Nimba County), the Wamah Town School (Bong County), and built an annex to the Suweta Public School (Grand Bassa County). Renovation of the Zolowee Public School is on-going and is expected to be completed soon.

   This year, the company fenced the Gorblee High School in Wee Statutory District and built a modern school in Kpou Town, near the LAC intersection area.

   As its phase two expansion progresses, AML commits that it will expand education and training to a significant number of Liberians who will help the company realize its vision for the future.

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