House Sittings Reduced To Once A Week


The Plenary of the House of Representatives has resolved to convene session once every week due to the prevailing situation in the country. The motion to reduce their two-time weekly sitting to once was proffered by Representative Kanie Weso, Gbarpolu County’s district #2 lawmaker.

The decision to hold session once every week due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 was made by plenary of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, May 5, 2020.

Speaker Bhofal Chambers disclosed in session that, in order to observe the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Health and to help combat the deadly Coronavirus, the House of Representatives will have session on every Tuesday. He noted that the House will make use of their Zoom Chatroom.

Margibi County’s district #4 Representative, Ben A. Fofana, welcomed the decision, but cautioned that in the event of emergency and dispute they should return to the Capitol to settle their differences.

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