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Natt Ballah Community Leadership

In Natt Ballah and Norvlin Town communities: Hot Pepper’s Business Manager Georgiana Follay, Others Inducted

Over the weekend, Hot Pepper’s Business Manager, Georgina M. Follay, and several elected officers of the Natt Ballah and Norvlin Town communities were inducted into office to stir the affairs of their various communities.

   The leaderships of the two communities were inducted into offices by Montserrado County’s district #4 Representative, Michael M. Thomas.

   The programs, induction and fundraising in nature, were attended by community dwellers, staffers of the district’s Representative office, invited guests, and well-wishers.

   At Natt Ballah Community, guest speaker Grooni cautioned the inducted officers to work in unity to be accountable to community’s dwellers.

   He urged the Chairman-elect, S. Gonkador Monkiala, and deputies to prioritize security, drainage, as well as promote sanitation.

   Hot Pepper’s Business Manager Follay was elected as Women’s Coordinator for Natt Ballah Community. Others elected were Peter Kpakalah, Co-Chairman; Thomas A. Tamba, General Secretary; Nathan D. Richards, Youth Coordinator; Prince C. Kpah, Financial Secretary; Susan K. Bordolo, Treasurer; and G. Eric Wonzon, Chaplain.

Rep. Michael Thomas certificating Natt Ballah Community’s Women Coordinator, Georgiana M. Follay

   The leadership, which is the first democratically elected one for the community, is challenged in several ways: it lacks good road condition, sanitation, palava hut, security, among others. As a result, the chairman expressed his anticipation to address the palava hut problem for community dwellers, in order for them to have easy assembly to interact and exchange ideas in decision making.

   Representative Thomas, who is sponsoring the district’s elections—12 out of 20 communities have had election, with the rest in progress—pledged L$20,000 for the construction of the Natt Ballah Community’s palava hut. He also promised to open allay ways in the district, beginning with the Natt Ballah Community, in the dry season.

   He assured his full support to the leadership, and vowed to provide two drums of fuel to be used on the district motor grader to open the allay way during the dry season.

   Representative Thomas challenged the leadership to be accountable to the community by opening chatroom for easy communication, and challenged them to be transparent in the expenditure of the community’s funds.

   After Natt Ballah Community’s occasion, the representative and his entourage went to Norvlin Town Community and inducted the leadership there into offices.

   Earlier, the keynote speaker of Norvlin Town, Pastor Johnson Weah, told the leadership not to undermine one another; rather, everyone should function in his or her office. He cautioned them not to be rebuked by working without deputies, as Moses did in the wilderness by judging over 100 cases of the Children of Israel daily, until his father-in-law, Jethro, had to rebuke him and admonish him to appoint deputies.

   Representative Thomas, as the father of the district, pledged cooperation with the Norvlin Town Community’s leadership, which is larger than Natt Ballah Community’s.

   After the event, the Representative and his team visited Kpelleh and Rock Hill communities and thanked the election commissions, poll watchers and others for the peaceful conduct of elections on that same day, Saturday.

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