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Elias Shoniyin

Keynote Speech By B. Elias Shoniyin at the 103rd Homecoming Day of the Alumni Association of the University of Liberia

Mr. President;
Mr. Chairman and Members of the UL Board of Trustees;
Vice Presidents of the University;
Mr. President of the Alumni Association of the University of Liberia;
Faculty and Staff;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen
Fellow Alumni:

“Every time I return to campus after a long while, it feels like revisiting an old love. You remember all the good times, the moments that shaped you—but then, you also remember the brokeness, 404 where we found food we could afford, and the scramble to find chairs for our over-enrolled classes! But just like any great relationship, despite all the challenges, you will do it all over again because it helped make you who you are today.” It’s light-hearted and relatable. Isn’t it? These memories reinforce the theme of growth and fond reflection that we can never forget!

First and foremost, let me express my heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of the Alumni Association for this extraordinary honor to share my thoughts with fellow alumni on this special day. It is both humbling and exhilarating to be here today, reconnecting with my fellow alumni of the University of Liberia, a place that has shaped our intellectual journeys and bound us together in a shared pursuit of knowledge and growth.

Today’s homecoming is not just a celebration of memories; it is a call to action—a call to take ownership of the future of our alma mater, our nation, and the world around us.

To Dr. Conteh and your remarkable team, in recent days, your visionary leadership has been a guiding force for this university. We want to thank you! We honor the tireless efforts of the faculty, staff, and previous generations of leaders who have sacrificed their time, energy, and wisdom to secure a brighter future for the University of Liberia and, by extension, our beloved country. Their enduring commitment serves as a reminder of the deep responsibility we bear as alumni of this prestigious institution.

I vividly remember my first days on this campus. Like many of you, I was filled with both hope and apprehension, uncertain of the future and wary of the unpredictable disruptions that often plagued our university at that time. We navigated those challenges together—challenges that made us stronger, more resilient, and prepared to tackle the world beyond the walls of this university.

Today, that narrative has changed. We return not as apprehensive students but as confident professionals, bearing the fruits of our education, ready to give back and contribute to the ongoing development of this University.

The feeling of nostalgia that accompanies our return today is mixed with pride and a sense of duty. We once roamed these grounds as students, and we have returned today as leaders, innovators, and agents of change. The paths our careers have taken may vary, but we are all united by the transformative power of the University of Liberia. Whether we have found immense success or are still climbing toward our goals, one truth remains: This university gave us the tools to navigate the complexities of life, and it is now our turn to ensure that future generations after us have similar opportunities.

Homecoming is more than just a reunion of friends and colleagues. It is an opportunity to reflect, to reconnect, and to recommit ourselves to the future of the University of Liberia. It is an occasion to acknowledge how far we’ve come and to refuel as we chart a course towards the future. The bonds we forge today will not only strengthen our alumni network but also ensure that we continue to support and uplift our dear alma mater.

As alumni, we are the custodians of this university’s legacy. Our shared responsibility is not merely symbolic; it is real, tangible, and urgent. The glory of this institution—its reputation, its excellence, its ability to inspire generations—depends on our active involvement and generosity. We must commit not just in words but in deeds. Whether it is through our financial support, mentorship, or advocating for the university’s interests in our professional circles, we each have a role to play in sustaining the University of Liberia’s standing as a beacon of knowledge and hope.

As alumni of this university, we have inherited a sacred responsibility. We must remember that the University of Liberia’s reputation is tied to our actions, our achievements, and our failures. We must lead by example, embodying the highest standards of integrity, compassion, and ethical leadership in all that we do. As alumni, we are not only expected to excel in our fields; we are called upon to be role models in our communities, to serve with humility and purpose, and to be agents of positive change.

These ideals—leadership, service, integrity—may sound lofty, but history has shown us time and time again that they are the foundations upon which prosperous nations are built. If we are to effect real, lasting change in Liberia and beyond, we must embrace a cultural shift that prioritizes ethical behavior, civic responsibility, and community engagement. We must reject the impulse to destroy when we feel frustrated, and instead, channel our energies into constructive, solution-oriented actions. Self-serving actions only undermine the very progress we seek. As alumni of this great university, we must lead by example in showing that real change comes through sacrifice and positive thinking.

Fellow alumni, we are living in a rapidly changing and increasingly unpredictable world. The challenges we today face as a nation and as individuals are complex, multifaceted, and often daunting. As Liberia navigates this critical moment in its history, we, the enlightened segment of society, must rise to the occasion. Whether it is ethnical expectations or the intricacies of political affiliation, our role as alumni of the University of Liberia is to rise above these limitations and to be at the forefront of efforts to ensure national stability, prosperity, and progress.

 I’ll give a real-life narrative: I do recall how excited I was when I was invited to join the chartroom of my class of this University. Understandably, the chatroom has a rule that no political conversation or posting is allowed.  That rule was kept until sometime last September when a member of the class posted his picture informing that he would be running in the then pending presidential election.  What happened next, shocked me to the bone. That alumnus was denounced, attacked, harshly criticized, and even threatened to be kicked out of the chatroom by several of his classmates, simply for informing his class that he was presenting himself as a candidate. Hmmmm…… Let you all tell me. What better platform was that alumnu expected to announce his political candidature than an environment of comrades with whom he shared one of the most sacred heritage? I nearly left that chatroom.

At the same time, I was also in another chatroom with similar rule of no political posting. A few days later, a member not only posted informing members of his representative candidature but also requested members of the group to support him. And guess what? Despite the rule of no political posting, he received overwhelming support, love, and encouragement for his decision.

 These two experiences gave me deep thoughts and reflections, trying to understand why the two groups acted so differently. I think I know the answer – perhaps the university group was a community of competitors, while the second group was a community of support, collaboration and progressive thinking.

 That’s what a community of alumni should be – the success of one is the success of all, and the failure of one is the failure of all. This means there would always be a collective effort for no one to fail. I urge all of us Alumni to cultivate a strong sense of community and present ourselves as cushions to support the weakest among us and be cheerleaders for those among us who are excelling in their careers.

But despite these obstacles, there is hope. There is always hope. We have an opportunity—an incredible opportunity—to be builders, innovators, and creators of a new Liberia. Let us join ranks with those who are working tirelessly to construct a better future. We must push beyond the boundaries of our limitations, using the education we received here to find real solutions to the problems of today.

Fellow Alumni, our university has a crucial role to continue to play in shaping the future direction of our country. It must not only provide students with academic knowledge but also instill values of integrity, entrepreneurship, and civic duty. Our faculty should challenge students to think critically, creatively, and ethically. The ability to solve problems, to innovate, and to lead with conviction must be at the heart of the University of Liberia’s mission. As alumni, we have the power to advocate for these changes and ensure that this institution continues to produce graduates who are equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

We must not settle for mediocrity. The University of Liberia should never be a place where students accept inferior standards or shy away from the challenges of leadership. We must empower our students to be problem-solvers, to question the status quo, and to take ownership of the future. The world does not wait for those who are content with the bare minimum—it rewards those who dare to think differently, to act boldly, and to lead with vision.

Our university’s motto, propels us in that direction: Lux in Tenebris—“Light in the Dark”—is more relevant today than ever. As graduates of this great University, we are called to be that light, guiding our communities, our nation, and the world toward a brighter future. Our education did not provide us with all the answers, but it gave us the tools to think critically, to challenge ourselves, and to persevere in the face of adversity.

To those who will soon join our ranks as alumni, I say this: your journey is just beginning. You are about to embark on a path filled with endless possibilities. The skills and values you have acquired here will serve as your compass, guiding you toward success in whatever field you’ve chosen. As you move forward, remember that you are part of a legacy—a legacy of excellence, leadership, and service.

In closing, I congratulate all of us for coming together today to celebrate the University of Liberia and the rich heritage it has bestowed upon us. But let this not be the end of our engagement. Let this be the beginning of a renewed commitment to be the light in the dark, the change-makers our nation so desperately needs. Let us return to our communities, our workplaces, and our homes with a sense of purpose, a spirit of collaboration, and an unshakable belief in the power of education that can only be given by the University of Liberia.

 Lux in Tenebris – May you continue to pass on the torch of hope that lights the way to a brighter future for our Country. God bless the University of Liberia; God bless our Alumni!

 Thank you!

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