Liberia, Oman To Hold Discussion On Protection Of Trafficked Women


A high-power delegation of the National Anti-Human Trafficking Taskforce of Liberia, headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah, is expected to meet with the Omani government next month on the safety of Liberian women in that Arab Golf state.

   Speaking via a zoom meeting Wednesday in Monrovia with the Omani Labor Minister, Dr. Mahan bin Said bin Ali Baawain, Labor Minister Cllr. Charles H. Gibson said his office continues to receive too many complaints of the ill-treatment of Liberian women in Oman, including sexual abuse, demand for ransom, brutality,  disappearance, false imprisonment, unpaid salaries, etc., amount to modern-day slavery and acute violation of a nation-state’s international obligation to protect foreigners within its border.

   Minister Gibson further expressed concern that despite a commitment made by the Omani government to the Liberian government in September 2022 not to grant visas to Liberian women seeking domestic employment in Oman, the flow of Liberian women from Liberia and neighboring countries to Oman continues unabated. 

   Minister Gibson acknowledged that the situation is largely caused by certain criminal gangs and individuals from both countries operating undercovered, but observed that the Omani government is not doing much to arrest the situation.

   He disclosed that the Liberian government would like to sit with the Omani government in resolving the issues and put the situation under control for both countries’ mutual interests.

   Minister Gibson further disclosed that a low-income country like Liberia has spent nearly US$3 million over the last few years to combat human trafficking, which is causing serious strain on its budget—having the victims rescued, repatriated, rehabilitated and resettled.

   He underscored the need for the Omani government to create a safe environment for the Liberian women while the process of dialogue is taking place between the two countries.

   In response, the Omani Labor Minister, Dr. Mahad bin Said bin Ali Baawain, promised to work with the Omani Foreign Ministry to receive the Liberian delegation in February to sit on the dialogue table to put things under control in the interest of both countries.

   Dr. Baawain expressed regret that the issue of human trafficking has affected the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and committed to working closely with Liberia to identify and root up criminal gangs operating in both countries that are fueling the situation.

   He also promised to have the Omani security forces more focused on protecting Liberian women in Oman.

   He alluded to the inflow of Liberian women in Oman despite the visa ban on such women transiting through third countries and using foreign travel documents to enter Oman.

   Meanwhile, it was agreed that modalities will be worked out to ensure that the Liberian delegation visits Oman in the middle of February 2023.

   The delegation will be headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Kemayah, and comprised of the ministers of Labor, Justice and Gender.

   The delegation is expected to spend three days in Oman, and their itinerary will include a meeting with the  Liberian community in Oman, presentation and discussion of a 102-page complaint compiled by the  UNODC and Liberian security apparatus, and ensure that actions are taken by the Omani government to arrest and prosecute the culprits to serve as deterrence.

   The Liberian delegation will also receive and discuss proposals from the Omani government on the issue of a MOU to ensure the protection of Liberians working in or seeking to work in Oman, the establishment of diplomatic relationships between both countries, and other bilateral interest areas.

   A high-power delegation from the government of Oman will later this year visit Liberia to further strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries, including economic and investment opportunities.

   The zoom meeting was facilitated by the Foreign Minister, Ambassador Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah, who is himself a member of the National Anti-Human Trafficking Taskforce.

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