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Margibi Traditional Chief Tells Pres. Weah: “Gibi Mountain Awaits To Make You A Man”

At a town hall meeting in Margibi County

The Traditional Chief of Margibi County has informed President George Manneh Weah that the Gibi Mountain wants to see him.

   The Gibi Traditional Chief made the statement on Monday, April 19, 2021 when President Weah and his entourage entered the county on the third phase of the nationwide county tour.

   Phase three of the President’s nationwide tour began yesterday, and it is expected that this phase will cover Margibi, Grand Bassa, Rivercess and Sinoe.

   Entering Margibi County by way of BWI Bridge, Kakata, President Weah was well-received by the county authorities, as well as the zoes, elders, women and youths of the county. The President conducted his regular “meet and greet” with the people, and was later hosted in a town hall meeting at the Nancy B. Doe Stadium.  

   Speaking at the town hall meeting, the Gibi Traditional Chief said, “I want to tell you, Mr. President, that the Gibi Mountain wants to see you. The mountain is very important; when you come from there then you are a man.”

  He clarified, “Mr. President, we are not saying you’re not a man oo—you are a real man, because we made you man when we elected you President. When we first got the news about your coming, we informed the traditional zoes that you were going there. We are only reminding you that the mountain wants you to go there.”

   Traditionally, the Gibi Mountain is noted for being home to cultural powers and African herbs. It is located approximately one and a half hours drive from Kakata, with a myth that the place holds supernatural powers so powerful that zoes from other parts of Liberia cannot undo what is caused by zoes from Gibi.

   This could apparently mean that President Weah is about to be welcomed by the greatest zoes of the Liberian culture.

   Other speakers at the occasion, including the elders, youths, women and the county’s superintendent as well as other government officials, welcomed President Weah and his entourage into Margibi County, and extolled the President for the development initiatives in the county. They gave President Weah four goats, fowls and a cow as a gift of “clear heart”.

   Speaking, His Excellency President George M. Weah appreciated the people of Margibi County for overwhelmingly voting for the CDC during the 2017 election, and encouraged the citizenry to be patient, as development is not an event but a process.

   President Weah frowned on his detractors’ cynical gossip of his regime, observing that they led the nation for twelve years without transforming the lives of the people, and now they are criticizing the road projects he is undertaking.

   He promised to grant the people of Margibi their request for a public library, a town hall in Weala and a palava hut. He thanked them for maintaining the peace.

   President Weah later dedicated a water kiosk in Benda Community, behind the Kakata Administrative Building. The eight-line modern faucets pump is said to be constructed with funding from the President’s Religious Advisor, Ousman T. Jalloh, as a way of decentralizing the President’s development agenda.

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