MOVEE Detests Politicization Of The National Census–Says It Is A Civic And Patriotic Responsibility
The Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) has registered a strong resentment of what it calls the politicization of the National Population and Housing Census. The party, at a press conference on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at its headquarters, described it as immoral for politicians to exploit the census process for political gain.
MOVEE’s National Chairman, Robert M. Sammie, said the national census is a fundamental national responsibility that must not be politicized. He said the party believes national census is a civic and patriotic obligation that all Liberians should embrace and participate in.
According to Chairman Sammie, the census is a vital tool for national development, despite the rocky start and apparent irregularities associated with our process, stating that LISGIS should step-up its gain.
“This is why, in order to obtain the best knowledge and abilities for a legitimate result, MOVEE encourages the Liberian Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) to make use of action learning and continue stepping up its efforts to draw on the broad resource base of the citizenry. We must recruit the best talents for this project since we know that the majority of work will still need to be done after the data collection; otherwise, the process’ integrity and quality would be compromised,” Chairman Sammie stated.
MOVEE’s Chairman said a credible census report will allow stakeholders to understand the growing characteristics and dynamics of Liberia’s demographics. He stated, “It will guide and inform prescriptions and decisions concerning national policy and development.”
MOVEE said the international community is watching to see how Liberians handle the census process, as they too have vested interest.
“After a significant wait, the entire world is watching to see how we handle this situation. Recognize that our partners are helping us to achieve this in several ways. Their physical and financial resources, and even our own effort and resources are involved. We can’t afford to fail. The process of rebuilding Liberia is a communal obligation; this is the main reason why each of you performing a role should make sure you do so carefully and patriotically,” he said.
The party warned against deception and encouraged all Liberians, irrespective of their political affiliation, tribe, religion, creed or social status to participate in the census process and be counted. According to MOVEE Chairman, the census process is about development. “Do not allow anyone to deceive you. Stand up to be counted. Be a patriot and a champion of development,” Sammie maintained.