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NEC CVE Section Ends Second Regional Engagement With First-Time Voters

The National Elections Commission (NEC), through its Civic and Voter Education Section, with funds from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Tuesday, October 3, 2023 ended the second in a series of regional one-day civic and voter education (CVE) engagements with first-time voters mainly from southern Liberia. 

   The major objective of the engagement was to increase first-time voters’ understanding of the electoral process. 

   At the end of the program in Ganta City, Nimba County, the youths, mainly first-time voters, expressed satisfaction in the level of support from ECOWAS, through the National Elections Commission (NEC) to educate them on electoral matters and how they can make informed decisions as they participate in all of the different electoral processes across Liberia. 

   The youths praised ECOWAS and NEC for the engagement as first-time voters, adding that the training will greatly help them to make informed decisions come October 10, 2023.

   Nearly 80 first-time voters from Lofa, Bong and Nimba counties participated in the second regional dialogue. 

   According to the Deputy CVE Director, Prince Weeks, the third in the series of regional engagements for first-time voters is expected to take place in Boim County in days to come. Last week, the NEC CVE section, with funds from ECOWAS, ended the first in a series of regional engagements with first-time voters from Rivercess, Margibi, Montserrado and host Grand Bassa counties.

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