PACU Goes To Election Today


The Port Authority Credit Union (PACU), a credit union that operates at the National Port Authority (NPA), with membership comprising of employees, contractors and its retirees, in compliance with it constitutional mandate, will on today, July 12, 2022 elect its leadership to stir the affairs of the organization for a period of three years.  The PACU constituted its election committee to conduct election of its board of directors and Supervisory Committee.

   A debate was held on July 11, 2022 among candidates of various positions, and according to the PACU Election Chairlady, Cllr. Lorpu William-Godfrey, the voting process will commence at 10:00 a.m. and closes by 6:00 p.m. today.

   Cllr. Godfrey stated that nine (9) candidates applied, but after the vetting process one candidate was disqualified.

   She said during the voting process shareholders will elect the seven-member board of directors, and the elected board of directors will elect among themselves the following positions: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson,  Treasurer and Chaplain.

   Those contesting for a number of positions are Yogie Mulbah- Sirleaf, incumbent Chairperson; Cyrus Wright, first time contesting; Kevin McCauley, incumbent member of the Supervisory Committee; George Chayee Sr., incumbent Vice Chairperson; Lawrence Selekpoh, first time contesting but previously served as member of Investment Committee; Loretta Freeman, incumbent Chaplain; Nepoleon Zeogar, incumbent of the board; and George Sumo, incumbent Treasurer.

   Three persons, Charlyne Gborie, Wennie Singbeh and Tanneh Tarpeh, applied for the position of Supervisory Committee member and were qualified after the vetting process by the PACU electoral body. They will be elected on white ballot.

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