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Montserrado County’s district #11 Representative, Richard N. Koon

Rep. Koon Wants 1986 Election Law Amended

Montserrado County’s district #11 Representative, Richard N. Koon, has submitted to the plenary of the House of Representatives an act to amend certain sections of the new election law of 1986 of the Republic of Liberia.

   In his communication to plenary, Representative Koon said over the last three years the House Committee on Election and Immigration, along with international partners, the Good Governance Commission and other strategic partners have engaged into dialogue and seminars across the length and breadth of Liberia seeking to upgrade the election law.

   The Montserrado County lawmaker asserted that if the elections law of 1986 is amended to the reality of time, the new election law will address the Stone-Aged problems Liberia continues to encounter.

   He further noted that amending the election law will improve the framework, context and conduct of elections in Liberia.

   “It will create a separate institution to handle and adjudicate electoral complaints,” Representative Koon stated.

   He asserted that this is strictly a non-Constitutional issue, so it is prudent and important that the House of Representatives amends the 1986 election law on a timely basis.

   The communication was sent to the Committee on Good Governance, Judiciary and Elections and Inauguration to report to the plenary in two weeks.

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