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Tonia Johnson,

Sixty Housing Units For West Point Sea Erosion Victims Uncompleted–Says NHA DMD/A

A freedom of information investigation at the National Housing Authority (NHA) has revealed that sixty housings units intended for West Point’s sea erosion victims are yet to be completed.

   According to a freedom of information (FOI) request by its requester to the NHA, the Deputy Director for Administration, Tonia Johnson, since they took over as a management team at the NHA they only commenced the construction of sixty units of housing facilities, which are intended to be used by West Point’s sea erosion victims in VOA community. The units are however yet to be completed. Johnson said efforts have been exerted to complete the units, but why they are not yet completed she did not state the reason. She however revealed that the millennium units have been constructed.

   When also questioned as to how much has been used to construct the buildings, Johnson referred the requester to the financial department, where the comptroller, Ben Dolo, was met, who said his financial report of the housing units could not be given out as it was not an auditing matter.

   The National Housing Authority is the institution responsible for public housing in Liberia. 

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