Hot Pepper Newspaper is a Liberian investigative paper that informs, educates and entertains. Professionalism is our hallmark.

Woman “Discovered Selling Human Parts In Food” In Yakepa

Report reaching the Hot Pepper news desk from Yekepa, Nimba County, says a woman has been discovered selling human parts in cooked food sold to the public.

    The news of her discovery has sparked concern and mixed reaction among the public.

   According to information, the woman owns a cook shop somewhere in Yekepa, but uses human parts as the ingredients for the soup. Where and how she obtains the human bodies is yet to be ascertained.

   Many people are wondering where Liberia is heading to, with the unabated news of rape, secret killings, disappearances and now human parts for meal.

Alleged human-parts meal ready to be served

   Speaking to the Hot Pepper in a taxi cab, a girl who claims to be from Nimba said the lady could possibly be a member of a cult that is fond of eating human parts. According to her, in order to keep their habit a secret they may have possibly empowered her business and could be the ones supplying her with the body parts, while she only receives the bodies and prepares them for eating.

   When the Hot Pepper’s reporter asked whether only the members of the cult eat from her or her shop is open to everyone, the paper was told that it is possible that people who know nothing about the cult could fall prey to eating from the shop.

   However, the Liberia National Police (LNP) is yet to ascertain the information, which is circulating mainly on social media. Investigation continues.

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