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ZCMC Graduates 75 To Conquer The World For Jesus

The Zion Christian Mission Center (ZCMC), a well-organized Bible College with its main center at Du-Port Road, on Sunday graduated 75 students to make disciples and take over the world for God’s kingdom manifestation; writes Ojuku Silver-tongue Kangar Jr.

The Shincheonji Church of Jesus in South Korea heads ZCMC in Liberia and other parts of the world. The Bible college is a hundred percent free and recruits people from diverse denominations and prepares them with Biblical knowledge to conquer the world for God—from Satan, the fallen rebellious angel who deceived Adam and Eve and took over God’s creation six thousand years ago. As a result, there have been war between the spirits and flesh that belong to God and Spirits and flesh that belong to Satan.

With betrayal being the order of the time because of the war, according to the seven Biblical eras, God has been on the stage of recreating the spirit of His people so that he can take over his creation, which the Devil stole and presides over as if he owns it.

God has given his “revealed Word” to a South Korean prelate who is exploring the world with it. The Sunday graduation ceremony was the Bible School’s 114th worldwide circle since its formation in 1984.

According to Macs N. Meankaleh, the Zion Christian Mission Center worldwide teaches basic Bible doctrine, figurative language or parables spoken by Jesus and their meanings, prophecy and fulfilment, the Book of Revelation and its 22 chapters and its interpretation, the Book of Genesis chapter 1, and so on.

The graduation was well attended by family members of the graduates, well-wishers, Montserrado County’s district #4 Representative-elect, Michael Thomas, and his wife, the Bible school’s international teacher, Michael Kwak, and his wife from South Korea.

Three of the graduates who testified about being impactful by the doctrine promised to teach the revealed Word, and sounded a clarion call to Liberians and others to attend the school and drink from the fountain of Biblical knowledge and make disciples.

In in brief message, international teacher Kwak thanked the graduates for their patience, time and commitment.

“Now that you have known the parables and their meanings, the Book of Revelation, and others, go and impact the world for Jesus,” Instructor Kwak said, gazing at the graduates without distraction.

He added that come either 2024 or 2025 he would not actively teach; therefore “Liberians will teach Liberians”.

There is an influx of students at the school since it started recruitment in October for the new academic year. Meankaleh added that due to this influx they have deemed it necessary to extend to a neighboring church in the Du-Port Road community.

With a new branch open in Nimba County, the Bible college’s authorities have vowed to take the school nationwide. They have vowed to target pastors to attend, graduate and take the school to their churches.

Last year five pastors who graduated signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and extended it in their churches. In the same manner, on Sunday 17 out of 37 signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) to run the school in their ministries.

Since the ZCMC formation in Liberia, October 22, 2023’s graduation ceremony is its second batch. Last year’s graduation produced 78 graduates, according to Meankaleh, deputy to Evangelist Fedesco, the mission’s head in Liberia.

At present, ZCMC is in five cities in Sierra Leone, including the capital city, Freetown, and is supervised by the Liberia head branch.

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