Rep. Zarzar: “Let The Dead Rest In Peace”

Rep. Matthew Zarzar

Sinoe County Representative, Matthew Zarzar, is urging politicians to stop politicizing the death of his kinsman, Public Works Minister, Mabatu V. Nyenpan, and allow the dead to rest in peace.

   The Sinoe County Representative told reporters recently on Capitol Hill that the death of Minister Nyenpan is a big setback to Liberia as a country and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government. According to him, the late minister was a development-oriented person, and that Sinoe as a county will always miss him for the role he played in the county during his time at the Liberian Senate as senator.

   According to the Sinoe lawmaker, family members of the late minister have already spoken and, therefore, people should stop politicizing his death, which he claimed will always bring tears to family members of the deceased. He described the late former senator and Works Minister as a unifier and, so, his death should bring citizens of the country together despite their political affiliations instead of playing with politics, which he claimed may affect his funeral rites. Representative Zarzar emphasized that only God knows why Mabutu is no more today.

   He emphasized that members of the Sinoe Legislative Caucus are doing everything humanly possible to work with the Executive branch and the family members in order to give the late minister a befitting burial. The CDC government, according to Representative Zarzar, will forever miss the late minister for the role he played in paving roads across the country.     Since the death of the late minister, there has been claims and counter-claims over his death. Some political pundits have accused officials of the ministry where he worked of being responsible for his death, while others have accused key officials of the government of poisoning him through food. The Minister of States has since dismissed all such allegations.

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