CPP Cracking?


The Political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Alexander B. Cummings, on Friday, September 10, 2021 walked out of the meeting of the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) in protest of his disagreement to the decision made by the political leaders of the collaboration against their framework document.

   According to Cummings, the decision of the political leaders to extend the tenure of the current CPP Chairperson, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, for one month is totally against the framework document of the CPP. He explained that there is no section of the framework document that calls for the extension of tenure for the chairperson of the collaboration and, therefore, allowing it is a complete violation of the framework document.

   The CPP’s Friday meeting was intended to discuss several issues, including the extension of the tenure of the current Chairperson for one month or more. The tenure of the CPP Chairperson, Senator Karnga-Lawrence, is expected to end before the end of 2021. In accordance with the framework document, after every eight months the chairperson position of the CPP should be turned over to another political leader within the collaboration.

   In a communication addressed to CPP Chairperson, Senator Lawrence, on Friday after Cummings’ walkout, ANC said the decision of the political leader does not in any way suggest that the ANC is leaving the collaboration. The letter further indicated that the decision of the political leader to walk out of the meeting is aimed at protecting the framework document.

   The CPP Chairperson, Senator Lawrence, told reporters on Friday after the failed meeting that her office as chairperson will apply all efforts to bring back Cummings to conclude on the discussion. She said the decision of Cummings to walk out is part of democracy and will be resolved.

   Cummings recently wrote the CPP Chairperson informing her about the violation of the framework document if the quest to extend her tenure for one month. Though the ANC Political Leader was part of the meeting in which they agreed on the extension of the tenure, he has however registered his opposition to the decision.

   The CPP comprises of Unity Party (UP), Liberty Party (LP), All Liberian Party (ALP) and the Alternative National Congress (ANC).

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