Cummings: “We Will Make Weah A One-Term President In 2023”


The newly elected Standard Bearer of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Alexander B. Cummings, has assured that after his election as Standard Bearer of the ANC he is poised to win the CPP nomination to make President George M. Weah a one-term President, emphasizing that real change is coming.

    Standard Bearer Cummings, further making statements during the 5th National Convention of the ANC, stated that every new day in Liberia will be another day to work at best, as they have come to change the living condition of all Liberians—Kpelle, Kru, Mano, Gio, Bassa, Grebo, Sarpo, Krahn Mandingo—all the 15 counties, and all at home and abroad.

    “We will welcome you with open arms to a new day of working together, and to equally share not just Liberia’s problems and hard work, but also Liberia’s solutions and riches.

    “174 years ago, we announced to the world a new nation. Internally, Liberia was divided and troubled.  Externally, Liberia was threatened and dependent. 174 years later, we are still divided and troubled, and we continue to depend on other nations to feed ourselves and even to pay officials of our government and our civil servants.

   “This is because our county is poor. It is because those we have trusted to manage our country’s riches have managed it poorly—taking care of themselves, their families and friends, and leaving the rest of the country to suffer.

   “It is time to end the divisions; it is time to solve the nation’s many troubles; it is time to manage ourselves better; it is time to use our rich soil to feed ourselves and sell our surplus to the world; it is time to use Liberia’s wealth to better the living conditions of all Liberians everywhere in the country.

  “Our children deserve better schools and learning opportunities. Those who are sick and infected and our pregnant mothers deserve better healthcare and more affordable hospitals and clinics.”

   He said recently he has heard concerns about the CPP. “The fact that you hear us disagree has led some to believe the CPP will fail, and President Weah will be returned to office in 2023. Today, I want you to know that the ANC is not leaving the CPP. We will resolve our differences in the interest of the Liberian people. The CPP will therefore hold, and the CPP will win in 2023. Liberians will not be disappointed; President Weah will be a one-term president,” ANC’s Standard Bearer, Cummings, stated.

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