CDC’s Grand Gedeh Candidate: “l’m Coming With High Experience”


Report gathered by the Hot Pepper from Grand Gedeh County says that the  Representative-Candidate for the ruling Collaboration for Democratic Change ( CDC), Jeremiah Sokan, is said to be topping in terms of popularity among his colleague contestants in that part of the country.

   According to report, citizens are gearing up in Grand Gedeh  County’s district #1 to vote for their choice of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) come November 16, 2021’s by-election.

   Following said report, the Hot Pepper conducted an interview with the CDC representative-aspirant regarding his political ambition in the county.

  Aspirant Sokan noted that his ambition for the National Legislature is to bring some level of impact to the citizenry and the county at large.

   During the 2017 general election, Sokan came second to Senator Zoe Emmanuel Pennue. He has undertaken lots of developmental initiatives in the district.

   Commenting on his profile, the CDC representative-candidate stated that he has worked for the last decade and a half in the diplomatic and international arena as a diplomat, representing Liberia among other countries at the highest level.

   He currently serves as Head of the Green Climate Fund Board for 47 poor countries around the world. According to him, Green Climate Fund is the financial body of the United Nations (UN) with focus on climate development. Sokan’s role is to speak for the voiceless.

   When asked about how his connection will make the difference at the level of the Legislature, he responded as saying that he will lobby with colleagues at the Legislature in providing solutions to problems confronting the livelihood of his district and Liberia at large.

   He said even the diplomatic level requires lobby, as not one person can make a change but the collective effort.

   The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Representative candidate also mentioned that his priorities are electricity, infrastructure, roads and human capacity building.

   He spoke on a wide range of  developmental issues regarding the forward march of Grand Gedeh County and the district at large, and was very optimistic of victory come November 16, 2021’s by-election.

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