Citizens Movement Hails Director Pearson

NSA Director, J. Henric Pearson, and the newly constructed NSA headquarters

The Citizens Movement to Protect Good Governance and the Rule of Law has commended the marvelous work being carried out by the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), James Henric Pearson, describing him as a true agent of President George Manneh Weah’s “Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD)”.

   After 46 years of its establishment, the National Security Agency (NSA), headed by Director James Henric Pearson, has finally constructed, unveiled and dedicated a million-dollar headquarters, giving the intelligence agency an international reputation and standard. Before then, the NSA used thousands of United States dollars to rent a building, an incurred financial burden.

   According to the Citizens Movement, the innovation of Director Pearson to construct a national headquarters for the NSA will go a long way in saving millions of dollars for the government in future years.

   The CSO made the disclosure to newsmen after their assessment tour to the NSA headquarters in White Plains, Montserrado County.

   The group described Director Pearson as a principle-minded character who believes in commitment, dedication and discipline, adding that he has brought credibility and respect to the law enforcement sector of Liberia.

   “His immeasurable leadership example has positioned the NSA as a professional and development-oriented security entity, ready and prepared to boost the trust and confidence building process in the security sector of Liberia,” the civil society group noted.

   The National Security Agency (NSA) is an apolitical government intelligence institution that is solely tasked with the gathering/collection, analyzing and dissemination of national security information for decision/policy makers, including the President of the Republic of Liberia.

   The group said their findings revealed that the building costs US$1.2 million, with a huge portion of that amount provided by the government and people of the United States of America. According to them, the Americans entrusted Director Pearson to undertake the project because of the confidence and trust they have in him, as there are a few persons with such virtue in the Republic of Liberia.

    According to them, with the wisdom of Director Pearson, the construction of the headquarters was carried out by the ordinary staffs of the NSA, leaving out the senior staffs of the agency because, in the event of misapplication and mismanagement of funds, it would require a number of bureaucracies to discipline them, which would have prolonged the duration of the project or bring the entire project to a standstill.

   Because of the Director’s decision, the group said, the construction of the building lasted for only 28 (twenty-eight) months, far less than the construction duration of government entities.

    Meanwhile, the Citizens Movement to Protect Good Governance and the Rule of Law has challenged other government officials to see the call to government as a call to service and not to enrich themselves at the detriment of the ordinary masses. They also called on other heads of government ministries and agencies to emulate the good example of Director Pearson, in order to save government from wasteful spending.

   The CSO group reaffirmed its confidence in Director Pearson’s ability to stir the affairs of the NSA, as his leadership there is in the best interest of the country. 

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