Growing Desire In River Gee County To Re-Elect Comany Wesseh


There are reports that citizens of River Gee County are preparing to re-elect one of the county’s incumbent Senator, Conmany Wesseh, in 2023 general and presidential elections.

   The growing interest shown in the re-election of the senator appears to have  come as a result of the role he has played over the years in protecting the image of his county, upholding multi-party democracy, the  rule of law as well as helping  to transform Liberia’s newest county through collect effort.

   Senator Wesseh is seen by the county educational elite, especially university students, as a visionary with the knowledge and political will to take River Gee County to a new level after 2023, and consider his re-election as an opportunity to put his plan for the county into work.

   The elders of the Chedepo residing in Monrovia, a place regarded as one of the populous districts of the county, appear to be among the first group of citizens to embrace the idea and called on other citizens of the county to do the same.

   Welcoming Senator Wesseh in Montserrado County during a tour to consult key opinion leaders of River Gee on his plan to contest the seat for the second time, the elders who expressed delight over the performance of the Senator made no secret of their desire to back his ambition.

   The head of the group and chairman of River Gee County Elders residing in Monrovia, Belleh Doe, said the county is bleeding from the impact of underdevelopment, including the lack of good roads, health centers and schools to cater to the county.

   The old man indicated that it takes a man like Conmany Wesseh, who is hailed by the nation for demonstrating good conduct and integrity in the House of Senate, to revert the county to the right path through honest leadership

   The group, through their Chairman, Doe, also hailed the good working relationship Wesseh has built with River Gee County Legislative Caucus and his consultation with the other senators of the County on issues affecting the region

  He emphasized that, while it is true River Gee belongs to its entire citizen, one must not forget the fact that Wesseh needs additional time as Senator to put into place a political roadmap that will be followed by future generation of the county.

 Several other district elders and opinion leaders are expected to follow suit, as Senator Wesseh’s consultative engagement continues throughout the county.

   According to River Gee citizens spoken to by this paper both at home and outside of the County Wesseh re-election fever is gaining momentum with key opinion leaders saying yes to the plan.

   Speaking to the Hot Pepper at his Capitol Hill office recently, Senator Conmany Wesseh confirmed the on-going consultation with the county stakeholders to seek their opinion on the subject.

   The lawmaker emphasized that he is making progress in that direction with a cross-section of the citizens coming out openly to embrace the idea.  

   Meanwhile, the Liberian Senate has praised River Gee Senator for the progress made so far in modernizing the Senate.

   Senate Pro-tempt, Albert Chie, told legislative reporters recently that Senator Wesseh’s Modernization Committee, which was very instrumental in overseeing the construction of the new edifice for the Senate, is making every effort to enhance the work of a modern Legislature.

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