Guest Speaker Challenges Graduates To Be Be Self-Confident

Graduates of the Destiny Women International Vocational Training Program

The guest speaker at the just-ended Destiny Women International Vocational Training Program has challenged the second batch of graduates of the institution to become self-confident as they go about their activities.

   Johetta Cosci, a young entrepreneur, noted that self-reliance is important to every career in life. Cosci said one of the major problems confronting Liberia’s growth is the lack of self-confidence in the minds of graduates in Liberia.

   The guest speaker called on the graduates to serve as ambassadors of change by putting use to the knowledge acquired.  She noted that, despite the fact that it is challenging to get a job in Liberia, the graduates should make use of their careers.

   The graduation ceremony was well attended by invited guests, and authorities of the vocational programs certificated some of their special invitees for the role they have played in the institution over the period of time.

  This graduation marked the second commencement convocation of Destiny Women International Vocational Training Program in Liberia. The institution provides training in computer training, plumbing, cosmetology, hotel management, tailoring, among other courses.

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