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NEC headquarters

NEC Begins Data Collation, De-duplication Of Phase-1 Voter Information

The National Elections Commission (NEC) will, on Thursday, April 13, 2023, begin the process of data collation, de-duplication and adjudication of the voter’s information collected at the 1,065 voter registration centers in Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, and Montserrado counties.  

   During the exercise, the Central Management System will synchronize all registrants.  

   The NEC informed the public that it will also progressively release statistics of the Phase One voter registration.

   Meanwhile, on Thursday, April 13, 2023, the commission will convene a lessons learned conference to reflect on successes and challenges of Phase One and derive strategies to address and advert re-occurrence of these challenges during Phase Two, which starts on April 21, 2023.    The commission said it is pleased to announce that retrieval of BVR equipment and materials from Phase One counties is near completion.

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