Political Activist Names Pro Temp “Legislative Administrator of the Year 2020”

President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Albert Tugbe Chie

A political activist, Jeremiah Paye, has described as astute, intelligent and mature the leadership ability of Senator Albert Tugbe Chie, President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate.

   Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, the tough-talking political activist said, “Since the ascendancy of Grand Kru Senator, Albert Tugbe Chie, as President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate, he has brought and maintained political stability and respectability at the Upper House. This is largely due to the unparalleled leadership credentials and unbiased cordial relationship exhibited by this great leader in the last three (3) years.”

Paye noted that, contrary to the days of the 52nd and 53rd Legislatures, where there were regular news of bickering and confusion over the Senate’s leadership, the 54th Liberian Senate under President Pro Tempore Chie has been politically stable, calm and noiseless. Furthermore, the denial of some presidential appointees, including Toga Nimely as head of the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission; Taplah Davies as Deputy Defense Minister for Operations and controversial LACC Boss, Ndubusi Nwabudike as Chairman of the National Elections Commission, shows the independence and robustness of the Liberian Senate under President Pro Tempore Chie.

   The renowned and well-informed political activist clarified that, contrary to expressions of the election of a new President Pro Tempore in 2021, Article 47 of the 1986 Constitution expressly states in part, “The Liberian Senate shall elect once every six years a President Pro Tempore who shall preside in the absence of the President of the Senate…..” Therefore, he said, Senator Albert T. Chie has a six-year tenure that expires in 2023 and has given no cause for his removal.

   The Lead Consultant of the Legislative Watch Forum (LEWAFO) concluded that, based on the good leadership performance rating of President Pro Tempore Albert T. Chie, he has recognized him as the “Legislative Administrator of the Year 2020/2021”.  

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