At ECOWAS Mediation, Security Meeting In Ghana: Min. Kemayah Congratulates Guinea, Sierra Leone for Resolving Border Conflict

Min. Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr.

Foreign Minister, H.E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., has congratulated Guinea and Sierra Leone for resolving, through dialogue, the situation at the Yenga border between the two countries, noting that Liberia welcomes the reopening of the Yenga border on February 18, 2021, and will continue to work with their neighbors for the reopening of other closed borders and the sustenance of peace and security in the Mano River Basin.

Minister Kemayah, head of the Liberian delegation in Ghana, which includes Retired Major General Daniel Ziankahn, Minister of National Defense, and two experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the reports presented to them about the security situation in the region are overly concerning.

“We must redouble our efforts in addressing terrorism and trans-national organized crimes in our region. As we have been told, they have exacerbated the security situation, as well as the humanitarian situation in our region. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all the victims of terrorist attacks in the fraternal states of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. Liberia stands ready to continue to support the efforts of international partners and the ECOWAS Commission to speedily implement the Action Plan for the eradication of terrorism in our region,” Minister Kemayah stated.

The Forty-Sixth Ordinary Session of the Mediation and Security Council (MSC) at the Ministerial Level of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) opened on June 15, 2021, at the Movenpick Hotel, Accra, Ghana. The MSC comprises of Ministers responsible for defense and foreign affairs from ECOWAS Member States, and is considering the security situation in the ECOWAS Region, among other topical issues on the agenda.

On the issue of Mali, Minister Kemayah said Liberia is concerned about the unwelcomed interruption in the civilian-led transition process in the fraternal Member State of Mali, and called on the Malian military transitional authorities and stakeholders to be committed to putting the process back on track for the safe realization of civilian democratic and governance measures; consistent with ECOWAS Protocols and norms and the February 2022 electoral timetable.

The Liberian Chief diplomat thanked the Authority of Heads of State and Government, and its designated Mediator, His Excellency Goodluck E. Jonathan, former President of Nigeria, for keeping on track the mediation endeavor; and recommending seamless measures to ensure the realization of the democratic transition process in Mali; for the benefit of the great people of Mali.

Accordingly, minister Kemayah also used the occasion to congratulate the ECOWAS Commission for reconstituting the ECOWAS Council of the Wise (CoW), which is one of the important institutions for preventive diplomacy and mediation in the region. “We take note of the successful meeting that was held in Accra, Ghana on May 24-25 of the reconstituted Council of the Wise”.

He said Liberia looks forward to finalizing its nomination of two of its eminent citizens, as soon as possible, to be a part of this important body, to contribute to its peacebuilding and mediation activities and programs.

He called on member states to redouble their efforts in addressing terrorism and trans-national organized crimes in the region.

Minister Kemayah further averred that they have exacerbated the security situation; as well the humanitarian situation in the region.

He extended his heartfelt condolences to all the victims of terrorist attacks in the fraternal states of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. “Liberia stands ready to continue to support the able efforts of international partners and the ECOWAS Commission to speedily implement the Action Plan for the eradication of terrorism in our region”.

As a Member State located on the bulge of West Africa, along the Gulf of Guinea, he said Liberia takes note of the deteriorating maritime security situation in the region.

Minister Kemayah mentioned that Liberia administers the second highest flagged vessels in the world, therefore, reports presented about heightened piracy attacks on vessels this year are also overly concerning, stating that Liberia looks forward to working amicably with ECOWAS and international stakeholders to address the issue of maritime insecurity in the region.

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