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Isaac Krah donating to residents

Candidate Krah Donates Medical Equipment And Solar Panel

Independent Representative-Candidate, Isaac K. Krah, contesting in electoral district #8, Montserrado County, has donated a medical equipment and solar panel worth more than US$9,000 to the Soniwein Health Center.

   According to Candidate Krah, the medical equipment, which is vaccine storage, will help to preserve and protect vaccines intended for children and mothers in the community.

   He noted that the storage is built with international standard to preserve and keep vaccine in a good condition at all times during the year.

   He underscored the hope that the Soniwein Health Center’s administrators will use the storage facility for the intended purpose.

   Candidate Krah emphasized that the donation is intended to buttress government’s effort to strengthen the health system in Liberia.

   He made the donation on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 to the Soinwein Health Center in Monrovia.

   Meanwhile, the Officer-In-Charge of the Soinwein Health Center, Irene G. Sherman, expressed thanks and appreciation to Candidate Krah for the donation of the medical equipment and the solar panel to enhance the work of the center.

   Sherman stated that the health center provides various health services to the community’s dwellers, and hoped that other equipment will follow after this one.

   She urged community dwellers to help protect medical donations made to the health center in order to improve the facility.

   She noted that it is unfortunate for some community dwellers and other people who try to take away items that have been donated to the center.

    Sherman maintained that the vaccine storage will go a long way in preserving and protecting vaccine made available to the center.

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