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“Catch Them Early”; Eye Specialist Draws…
“We recently saw a 3-year-old child who was operated for cataract in his both eyes in the bush by some!-->…
Ex-NPHIL Boss Appointed On US$1.3 Billion…
The former head of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL), Dr. Mosoka Papa Fallah, has been!-->…
Upon The Invitation Of Sen. Joseph: 30 American…
Thirty (30) professional doctors from the United States of America on Friday, October 29, 2021 arrived in the!-->…
Eye Surgeon Decries Lack Of Eye Health Awareness
Monrovia is a small city, but with a number of visually impaired persons on its streets who, most times, are!-->…
Dr. Nowiah Gorpudolo-Dennis: “We Are Here…
The issue of reproductive health is said to be one of the major health challenges confronting many Liberians. Some!-->…
Paul Sethi Rescues Fire Victims
The former Indian Consul General to Liberia, Upjit Singh Sachdeva, alias Jeety, has disclosed that three severely!-->…
RPI Launches COVID-19 Community Engagement…
In continuation of its numerous engagements in the fight against the rapidly spreading coronavirus disease, the!-->…
Rep. Manah Johnson Gives L$150,000 To Fight…
Bomi County’s district#2 Representative, Bishop Manah Johnson, recently provided L$150,000 toward the fight!-->…
Health Minister: 14 Counties In Red
Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, has disclosed that fourteen (14) counties out of fifteen in the country!-->…
NPHIL Takes Note Of Complaints Of Extortion,…
The National Public Health Institute (NPHIL) says it takes note of several complaints of extortion and fraud in it!-->…