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CDC Launches 1 Million Citizens Campaign Today: Is A One-Round Victory Conceivable?

Western jurisprudence dictates that the burden of proof lies in the hands of the accuser; similarly, it is squarely at the feet of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the Weah-Taylor 2023 Campaign Team to prove to the world that a one-round victory is inevitable.

   On today, September 7, 2023, the CDC has vowed to show numerical strength to validate their argument that they are headed for a one-round victory, and to pull out a human tsunami that could be equated to one million persons.

   Physically, it is seemingly impossible to pull one million persons in a single rally, as the entire population of Monrovia is not more than two million persons; however, logically, shutting down economic activities of the capital and making a busy day such as a Thursday to appear like a holiday would mean a success for the CDC.

      According to political observers, as a sitting government, the CDC is at least 30% ahead of any other party or candidate in regards to winning the election, observing that the CDC sits on and is using state resources to campaign, has influence over, if not controls, the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) in case of eventuality, appointed several, if not all, of the Commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC), and appointed three of the five sitting Justices of the Supreme Court Bench.

   In addition, the political pundits recounted that government is the highest employer, and there will be several individuals who will support and, to certain extent, prevail over their subjects to support the ruling establishment in order for them to secure their jobs or possibly seek promotion.

   Unlike the opposition, they said the sitting government has been interacting with regional, continental and international powers, such as ECOWAS, AU, UN, EU, US government, etc., and could bargain for a retainer.

   According to them, the CDC only needs to show numerical strength and for their people to turn out on election day to vote in order to claim victory.

   However, they said, falling short of bringing Monrovia to a standstill on a day like this could widen the debate for a possible second round, which many observers have said is highly likely. Besides, they added, it could stimulate a debate of an opposition victory come October, as enthusiasts of a Boakai takeover are also projecting a one-round victory for the Unity Party (UP).

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