Cllr. Lansanah Holds Working Session With Ghanaian Counterpart

NEC-Liberia Chairperson Lansanah and Commissioner Sayor, with Ghana Elections Chairperson Madam Mensa

The Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC), Davidetta Browne Lansanah, and delegation have held a working session on biometric technology transfer with her counterpart and Head of Ghana’s Independent Election Commission, Jean Mensa, on Friday, May 28, 2021 in Accra.

   The two female Chairpersons of Ghana and Liberia election management bodies (EMB) underscored the importance of regional cooperation and electoral resource-sharing within the context of furthering the aspirations of ECOWAS Network of Elections Commission (ECONEC). Within the framework and ideals of ECONEC, a database of electoral materials will be established and mechanisms put into place to support member countries.

   The Chairpersons committed themselves to working closely on information sharing and lessons learned on Biometric Voter Registration among other management challenges of EMBs.

Also on mission to the Ghanaian Electoral Commission are Commissioner Floyd Oxley Sayor, Emma Togba, Deputy Executive Director for Operation, and Isaac Zahn, Director of Data Center, National Elections Commission of Liberia. 

   In a related development, Cllr. Davidetta Browne Lansanah on Saturday paid a courtesy call on the proprietor of Buck Press, Kofi Buckman, in Accra, Ghana. Buck Press Limited printed the December 8, 2020 ballots, but is yet to receive full payment for goods delivered in time to the Commission for the conduct of the election.

   Chairperson Lansanah said, while on mission to the Ghana Electoral Commission, it was necessary to reach out to the management of Buck Press, where she appealed to their patience, as the Commission continues to await funding from the Liberian authorities to pay liabilities owed venders.

   For his part, Kofi Buckman appealed to NEC to work faster to pay his company, which is facing credibility problems with its financiers. 

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