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COMMENTARY: Politics–Not Criticism But Mechanism

Since the COVID-19 hit the universe and became a global issue, thousands of political leaders, religious leaders, local and international business men and women, including school teachers, public entertainers, journalists, scientists, trade unionist and philanthropists, have been discussing on the mechanism of eradicating the deadly virus from the face of the universe.

Now the burning patriotic and nationalistic question is, criticism or mechanism?

The cruel Coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed thousands of lives across the world, is still a threat to the people of the universe. Meanwhile, professional medical practitioners and scientists are working tirelessly day and night researching the vaccine and medication for the virus, yet to be discovered.

The United States of America, which is the world’s superpower, is struggling with the world’s most dangerous pandemic since the Second World War. Other powerful European countries are also finding it difficult to combat the virus, yet their political leaders and private business people are working together with their governments in the good faith of patriotism and nationalism in order to fight and kick the virus out of their countries—with one mind as a people and nation of one common goal (country first). Here are we in Liberia. As a people and nation, let these questions be posed to each and every one: What is your contribution toward national development? What is your contribution toward the fight against COVID-19? Are you carrying out sensitization in your neighborhood so that the residents of your community can become fully aware and have the ability to abide by the preventive measures? Are you concerned about the youth, pregnant women, elderly people and children? Are you a law-abiding citizen or are you out for criticism or mechanism?

Now, if mechanism, let’s join our government officials and other sincere humanitarians who are donating food stuffs and items of preventative measures, including medication, to our people across the country in this crucial time of Coronavirus pandemic, which is an unforgettable era since the history of the world. So let’s forget about all relative differences, whether political, ethnical, gender or religious, and join hands together to fight against this deadly disease.

With our hearts united, sincerely committed and absolutely dedicated, we can rally around the government with a helping hand so that our God above will inspire us with wisdom and understanding, then give us the strength and courage to fight and eliminate this cruel virus, which has taken away millions of lives across the globe. The fact should be also realized that if we cannot mobilize or organize there’s no need to criticize because criticism cannot help; it only tears us apart. So let us forget about criticism and focus on mechanism, as to see how we can work in unity and move ahead with our country into the new millennium development. Another thing we should know is that not everyone will be in the position of reaching the vulnerable, but those who are capable and have the ability to reach them must be appreciated for their kind gesture and humanitarian integrity for tirelessly providing for our people in this period of COVID-19 lockdown.

The management of Freedom Radio should be commended for their service of humanity and the needy across Montserrado County in this crucial time of COVID-19 lockdown. The Liberia-based Indian businessman, Jeety, must be commended for his numerous contributions as a philanthropist towards the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown. Also, the Minister of Finance, Samuel Tweah, and the Inspector General of Police, Patrick Sudue, must be commended for their food distribution in their respective communities and across the country. The Mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson Tamba Koijee, earnestly deserves an excellent tribute for his giant stride, which professionally demonstrates his leadership ability and relentless effort to give Monrovia a new face of clean and green, including his staunch dedication as a humanitarian to society by engaging in the distribution of food, items of preventative measures and medication.

The enthusiasm of these officials, who are in positions of trust, is a precedent of national solidarity and responsibility. As a progressive citizen of any nation, one should be a contributor toward national development rather than a demonstrator of national predicament. The fact remains: Ask not what your country, Liberia, can do for you, but what you can do for Liberia. So, let’s forget about senseless demonstration and rebellious attitudes and implement good visions, which is a moral attribute.

With heartfelt felicitation, we should congratulate H.E. George M. Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, for his job well done maintaining the preventive measures of the Coronavirus pandemic and sustaining the country’s economy, succeeding in accomplishing the first brain surgery in Liberia at the JFK Hospital by a Liberian medical team, the construction of feeder roads and the good relationship with international partners and other countries across the globe, including the sweet, loving peace that we are now enjoying. So no need for criticism, but mechanism.

Now is the time for development by establishing agricultural projects, constructing roads, building schools and clinics in our villages, traveling overseas and bringing investors into the country in order to enable our youth to have job opportunities. We should not be only insightful, but adequate providers and diligent builders of our children’s future. Therefore, politics is not criticism but mechanism. So, we the peace-loving people of Liberia shall show the power of democracy, demonstrate the allegiance that we pledge to the flag of our country Liberia and prove the solidarity of one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Written By Thomas Davies

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