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District #4 Answers To Cummings’ Call

An estimated 10,000 citizens, predominantly women, turned out Sunday, September 3, at the Soul Clinic F-Sham Field, District #4, Montserrado County, to welcome and endorse the presidential bid of Alexander B. Cummings, Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

   The program, organized by a group of women under the banner of W-Force Women for Cummings, attracted hundreds of women, girls and first-time voters from the 17 districts of Montserrado.

   The W-Force Women for Cummings is an independent women’s movement that cuts across various women organizations, communities, schools, professionals, civic society, and interest groups, committed to mobilizing women, girls and men, nationwide to support and vote for Cummings as the next President of Liberia.

   A spokesperson for the Women for Cummings expressed confidence in Cummings’ professional integrity, qualification and competence as the best to effect the needed change in Liberia, and vowed to support him.

   Wearing the Cummings and Brumskine T-shirts, with banners from their various districts, the huge crowd jam-packed the Soul Clinic F-Sham Field and danced. The podium from which Cummings addressed the multitude of supporters was mounted on a 40-foot container-carrying truck.

   Cummings expressed gratitude to the multitude of citizens whom he said left their busy schedule to attend his endorsement and pledge their support to his presidential bid.

   He extended special thanks to the organizers, the W-Force Women for Cummings, for the massive mobilization of women, girls, men and first-time voters, and pledged that he will not disappoint them or dash their hope for a better Liberia.

   A lady, identified as Ma Musu Gibson, 49, said she led a group of 200 women from her community in district #4 to attend the program because of her admiration and respect for Cummings and his agenda for real change in Liberia.

   A group of girls in T-shirts, with the banner of Cummings and Brumskine, who claimed to be first time voters, expressed their admiration for the CPP choice of a young woman—direct reference to Counsellor Charlyne M. Brumskine, for whom they promised to mobilize youths to support the CPP presidency in the October 10 general and presidential elections.

   Cummings promised to accord women their rightful place as equal partners in decision-making and that they equally share in the wealth and resources of the country.

   He said, upon his election as President, the CPP primary focus will be to revive the ailing economy and establish a strong private sector for massive job creation for the thousands of unemployed Liberians.

   Cummings vowed that, within his first one hundred days in office, he will launch a U$20 million loan scheme for Liberian entrepreneurs, including market women, to grow and expand their businesses.

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