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Mohammad A. Barry, alias Agogo

Girlfriend Killer Sent To Court

The Monrovia City Court of Judge Jomah Jallah has sent a 28-year-old man, Mohammad A. Barry, alias Agogo, to the Monrovia Central Prison for allegedly murdering his girlfriend, Annie K. Lymas, in Bassa Town, Brewerville on June 5, 2022 at 11:00 p.m.

   On Monday, June 6, 2022 the body of victim Annie K. Lymas, age 24, was seen lying in her bedroom in Bassa Town, Brewerville at 6:00 a.m.

   According to information, victim Lymas and defendant Barry were lovers since December 2018, and both of them lived together in a rental house that contains four bedrooms and a bathroom.

   On Monday, June 6, 2022 at about 5:00 a.m., defendant Barry placed a phone call to the victim’s sister, Olive Smallwood, informing her that she should rush to the Mango Town Clinic—that he was taking her sister there. After a few minutes, defendant Barry placed a call to her for the second time that her sister, Annie K. Lymas, was dead and her lifeless body was in their bedroom, but he was leaving.

   According to information gathered by newsmen, on June 5, 2022, at about 11:00 p.m., while defendant Barry and victim were sitting together, defendant Barry decided that they should go to bed together, but victim Lymas refused on ground that she was not yet ready to sleep.

   Later, victim Lymas followed him to the bedroom, but he began to compel victim Lymas to explain to him why her behavior had changed over the past weeks. In the process, he hit her several times with his hands and she fell from the mattress to the floor and went unconscious.

Mohammad A. Barry along with his girlfriend, Annie K. Lymas

   After noticing that she was dead, defendant Barry wrote a three-page document regretting his action and pleading for mercy and care for his only daughter.

   Part of the three-page document by defendant Barry read, “To my mother, father, brother, sisters, friends and the thousands of fans and supporters of Barry, I just want to take this time to say that I have lost everything in this war, and all is my fault. No one is to blame for my mistake.

   “I was a kid coming up successfully. I’m proud of my family, but I made a mistake that I will live or carry with me in my grave for the rest of my life.”

   Defendant Barry was charged for murder and the violation of Chapter 14, Subchapter “A” Section 14.1 of the Revised Penal Code of the Republic of Liberia. Based on that he was forwarded to court for trial.

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