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Beneficiaries of farming implements from Jomah Care Foundation

Jomah Care Foundation Donates To Farmers In Margibi Again

The Jomah B. Samuels Care Foundation, Inc. (JBS Care Foundation), a not-for-profit, has again donated several farming implements and seeds to farmers across Margibi County’s electoral district #1.

   On November 2021, the JBS Care Foundation donated 90 farming implements, including cutlasses and hoes, to farmers in areas such as Doormouth, Vai Town, Johnny Cooper Town, Division-4 A,B and C, while the foundation provided chainsaw for the felling of trees for the farmers in these areas.

   On the same day, the not-for-profit organization also donated cucumbers seeds to new Zayzay Town, corn seeds to Division-4 A, bitter ball to Division-4 A, Big Camp, and pepper signs to Division-4 C.

   It can be recalled that the JBS Care Foundation recently similarly donated to several farmers in Margibi County’s electoral district #1 assorted farming implements and seeds.

   Through its Agricultural Initiative, the Foundation is also empowering farmers in rural communities across Margibi County’s electoral district #1 with needed farming skills, through its on-going skills training program for local farmers.

   The foundation’s Agricultural Initiative is currently being undertaken in several towns and villages in Margibi County, with on-going works in Kaifa Town, Division-4, Camp-C, Johnny Cooper Town, Vai Town, Doorbor Town and Zoewein Town, while farmers in Margibi County’s Vai Town, Doormouth and Johnny Cooper Town, through the JBS Care Foundation’s instrumentality, are engaged in cassava planting.

   The foundation’s latest donation comes amid assurance given by the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the JBS Care Foundation, Jomah B. Samuels, who had earlier assured residents of Margibi County of increased empowerment through his organization’s agricultural and vocational training initiatives.

   At the time, Samuels assured residents of rural communities across Margibi County’s electoral district #1 and adjacent communities that his non-government organization is committed to its agricultural empowerment programs, as well as the group’s vocational and technical skills education empowerment programs.

   “If we have not reached you, rest assure we will be reaching you soon,” Samuels said at the time. “The Jomah B. Samuels Care Foundation is here to stay.”

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