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Pres. George M. Weah

Liberia Condemns Russia’s Unprovoked Attack On Ukraine

The Republic of Liberia has condemned the new wave of unprovoked aggression and attacks on the territorial integrity of Ukraine and, by extension, other neighboring countries.

   According to a Ministry of Information press release, “This should be condemned in the strongest terms by all nations of the world. The Republic of Liberia still maintains its position in line with the UN General Assembly’s resolution in 2014 and calls on Russia to give peaceful dialogue a chance, thereby sparing the lives of innocent citizens and foreign residents in Ukraine and also protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine.

   “Liberia joins the rest of the world in urging Russia to unconditionally cease hostilities, de-escalate and allow diplomacy and dialogue to take its course and bring relief to the peaceful citizens of Ukraine as well as the region.”

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