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Superintendent of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS), Adolphus Benjamin Jacobs

MCSS Superintendent Alleges: “Finance Minster Doesn’t Support The System”

The Superintendent of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS), Adolphus Benjamin Jacobs, has alleged that the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Samuel D. Tweh, is not supporting the system of the Monrovia Consolidated School System.

   Superintendent Jacobs’ statement comes in the midst of the constraints confronting the well-being of public schools in Monrovia.

   He informed the Hot Pepper that the MCSS relies on parent-teacher association (PTA) support to run the day-to-day affairs of its schools.

   According to him, they are running short of copies of lesson materials to be distributed to their schools in Monrovia due to the lack of financial support.

   Superintendent Jacobs attributed the lack to financial support from the government to Minster Samuel Tweah’s refusal to pay attention to where he schooled from.

   He said during the just-ended academic semester he intentionally took President George Weah and his entourage at the D-Tweh High School to show him the reality of issues confronting public schools, in order to provide some quick solutions. But he said months after President Weah authorized the Finance Minster to provide support to address the MCSS problems, nothing has been done. He explained that the MCSS took some funding from its parent-teacher association (PTA), which was later reimbursed from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

   Commenting on MCSS GOL budgetary support, he stated that the government teachers’ payroll is active, but no extra financial support is there to support its operation as public schools, like was done during previous administrations of government.

   According to him, MCSS receives “on paper” budget but not physical cash. Superintendent Jacobs alleged that Minster Tweah has told people that he does not support his leadership as Superintendent of the MCSS. Investigation continues.

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