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NTA Goes Digital

NTA Managing Director, Herbie T. McCauley, along with Humherit Country Manager, Steven Yekeson

Liberia has joined other countries around the world by installing and modernizing its public transportation service, which is managed by the National Transit Authority (NTA).

   On Tuesday, December 15, 2020 NTA’s Managing Director, Herbie T. McCauley, disclosed that Liberia has faced major constraints in collecting daily revenue in public transportation operation due to an outdated system that encourages malpractices.

   According to him, the introduction of the digital service, which has the ability to track the location of NTA’s buses, could help to improve transparency and accountability regarding the collection of transportation fare on public vehicles.

   He mentioned that the newly installed digital system has served as significant game changer in dismantling the analogy operation that government buses used for decades in Liberia.

   McCauley said every driver and conductor of his entity has been instructed to log into the digital platform by utilizing the cards to ensure proper accountability and reduction of fraudulent practices during and after the collection of transportation fare on NTA buses.

   “In modernizing public transportation service, customers cards are presently available for adults for US$20 and US$15 for kids at NTA,” he noted.

   The Managing Director asserted that 270 bus stations will be constructed in Monrovia and its environs.

   “The process will start in 10 days to ensure that everyone has comfortable spots or stations to wait for the bus during dry and wet seasons.”

   For his part, the Country Manager of Humherit, Steven Yekerson, the company that implemented the digital platform, elaborated that every Liberian and other nationals who are interested in riding NTA buses can easily access the entity’s services online to avoid waiting in long queue at bus stations.

   According to him, the digital platform that has been installed could help students and others access internet services while on the buses, that have been modernized.

   He pointed out that every individual and institution can easily access NTA newly digital services online for rental payment purposes.

   Yekerson cautioned the public to embrace and protect the modern services, which have been introduced to upgrade Liberia’s public transportation industry.

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