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Pres. Weah Lights Up Christmas Tree & Cantata; Emphasizes Peaceful, Lawful Behavior

His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, performed the ceremony of lighting up the Christmas tree and a cantata at the grounds of the Executive Mansion to mark the official beginning of the Christmas Season.

   Making remarks at the ceremony, President Weah emphasized that Liberians must all be particularly grateful for living in a time of peace. “The peace that we have enjoyed for more than two decades now, should never be taken for granted. It must be appreciated, celebrated, protected, and preserved, not only at Christmas, but throughout the coming year,” he underscored.

    He said, “As we come to the end of one of the most significant years in our history, in which we commemorated the Bi-Centennial Anniversary of our journey towards nationhood and independence, we must also equally reflect on the fact that this Christmas is a prelude to a coming year which will also be another very significant milestone for Liberia.

   “This is because Presidential and Legislative elections are due to be held in 2023, when we will once again have the opportunity to demonstrate the maturity or our democracy through the conduct of elections that are free, fair, transparent, and credible. 

   “I therefore want to call upon every Liberian today to commit to a behavior that promotes peace and lawfulness throughout these elections. For my part, I have placed myself on record on many previous occasions, when I have pledged my unrelenting support for elections that are free, fair, transparent, and credible and peaceful. I now ask for a similar pledge from all who will participate in these upcoming elections, both the leadership and their followers.”

 President Weah added, “Let me say again, that I will do all that is legally within my power to ensure that the coming elections are conducted in an atmosphere that is conducive for citizens to freely and safely exercise their sacred constitutional right to choose those who will lead them.  The voices of the Liberian people will, and must, be heard and respected.”

   The Liberian leader used the occasion to urge Liberians to use dialogue to address their differences rather than violence. “As we go forth from this place today, let us do so with love in our hearts for one another, always remembering that we are our brothers’ keeper. Let us resolve to always use dialogue to address our differences, rather than violence. And let us remember that there is so much more that unites us, than that which divides us. We are Liberians, first and foremost, so let us celebrate the diversity in our unity,” he stated.

   “And so I now call on all Liberians, wherever you may be under the sound of my voice, to join hands so that we can continue to build a better Liberia for us all. Together, we are stronger. United, we are invincible.

   “And now, on behalf of my darling wife, Clar, who asked me to convey her regrets that she could not be with us this evening due to pressing official engagements abroad, my entire family, and in my own name, let me wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!” President Weah noted.

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