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E.J Conqueror School System

“We Came To Fill The Gap”–Says COSS CEO

Barley eleven months to the holding of the presidential and legislative elections, secondary school fees have increased, thus creating a serious situation for parents to send their children to school this semester.

   J. Lewis Doddo, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the  E.J Conqueror  School System (COSS), located within the  Pipeline Road community, Paynesville, says this academic semester was designed to fill in the gap for parents who see it very challenging to pay their children school fees.

   Since its establishment six years now, the E.J Conqueror School System has been providing free quality education services to the general public. It said to be one of the most populated elementary schools because of its low tuition.

   Chief Executive Officer of COSS Doddo told the Hot Pepper newspaper that, though it operates on low fees, the school is in serious need of support to enhance its academic activities. He said he wants the Ministry of Education to provide support to his institution, and any support will help pay teachers and upgrade the school’s operation.

   Doddo disclosed that the school is accepting students whose parents do not have the school fees now to enroll, but will later pay. He explained that this action is meant to buttress government’s effort in addressing elementary education.

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