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Liberia celebrate Tourism Day

Liberia Observes 42nd World Tourism Day

The Government of Liberia (GOL), through the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), and the Liberia National Tourism Association (LNTA) on Saturday, September 25, 2021 observed the 42nd World Tourism Day at the Paynesville Town Hall, Paynesville. The theme for this year’s global event was, “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”.

   As part of activities commemorating the day, the government, in partnership with the Liberia National Tourism Association, planned several events to be celebrated in a grand style: on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., a street parade was held from the Monrovia City Hall and climaxed with a Festival and Open Market Fair at the Paynesville City Hall. This year’s event showcased the rich history of Liberia’s culture, tourism, arts and craft, food and human capacity. The Open Market Fair included domestic businesses and “made in Liberia” products. In addition, the festival amplified the image of Liberia through fashion, interactive activities, music, food, etc. Cultural performances and music from the 15 counties were also featured.

  H.E President Dr. George M. Weah and other officials of government, as well as foreign dignitaries graced the occasion. Other guests, including civil society organizations, students and business communities, political, religious, and traditional organizations, were also in attendance. The 15 counties booths were erected with on-going cultural activities.

“World Tourism Day” is an annual event celebrated globally by each member country of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The festival highlights achievements, plights, and challenges of each country’s tourism sector.

   Though the Coronavirus pandemic has severely impacted the sector globally, tourism remains a huge industry and the fastest growing sector. It employs the most amount of people around the world. It is a trillion-dollar industry, and Africa receives only a very small percentage. Therefore, the sector presents a huge economic opportunity for Liberia through the creation of jobs and many other advantages.

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